After poking around I noticed the Clark County Frequency for Moapa Valley FPD is a old Metro Frequency
Is Metro using any of the old VHF channels ? they were at some point using the old rural channel 3/7 for resident officers.
The licenses seem to indicate the old vhf frequencies are still current if not used.
This would indicate 2 possibilities, one is the spectrum is there "just in case" a catastrophic failure of the trunked system occurs, or its there to give access to allied agencies like BLM, Rail Police Federal partners who need to contact a Metro dispatcher, anyone know?
Is Metro using any of the old VHF channels ? they were at some point using the old rural channel 3/7 for resident officers.
The licenses seem to indicate the old vhf frequencies are still current if not used.
This would indicate 2 possibilities, one is the spectrum is there "just in case" a catastrophic failure of the trunked system occurs, or its there to give access to allied agencies like BLM, Rail Police Federal partners who need to contact a Metro dispatcher, anyone know?