does anyone have a list of MHP's channel designators(what it says on there radio) I know it used to be A-1 through H-8 but I have misplaced my list of recieve frequincies and channel designators ..... TIA JD
Hope someone can help us w/what is says on their radio, but Police Call freq. book has the map of the channel designators. Not sure where your at in Montana, but I can help u there.
The repeater designators are the location of the repeater and the base station ie: Billings Patrol on Red Lodge H-8 thats the solar repeater in the Pryor Montains south of Hardin. There was a map showing the locations and the controlling base stations somewhere on the WWW. They use the same receive frequency for up to 8 repeaters on each base A-1 thru H-8 so if youhave the repeater output frequencys you should hear the traffic. Also remember there are local repeaters and simplex base stations in the metro areas also.