http://www.bearcat1.com/radiook.htm this is all I can find for now
10-1 Unable to copy 10-22 Disregard/Cancel
10-2 Signals good 10-23 Patient refusal
10-4 O.K. 10-90 Welfare check
10-6 Enroute 10-97 Arrived on scene
10-7 Out of service 10-98 Completed assignment
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat Signals
10-10 Arrived destination Signal 4 Drunk
10-13 Weather Signal 7 Accident without injury
10-14 Transporting patient Signal 8 Accident with injury
10-15 At station Signal 18 Psychiatric
10-18 Complete assignment quickly Signal 30 Death
10-19 Return to station Signal 42 Meal break
10-20 Location Signal 45 Rape
10-21 Call by phone Signal 48 Child abuse
Signal 55 Bomb threat