Silent Key
Al Stern has been monitoring the milair for many years. He has a daily post on the CFLG yahoo group. This is todays post:
It is 11:12am EST, and all sorts of things are happening in the air here.
LIMA LIMA 45 and LIMA LIMA 47 (Jax P-3Cs) are both in the pattern at Patrick.
NASA 4 (Gulfstream II) just took off.
NAVY 8E 058, a flight of four helos is passing through the area and chatting
away on 303.0. They are admiring the sights, including the Patrick AFB golf
BOLT 11, one of MacDill's KC-135Rs, is AARing Charleston C-17 LIFTER 35; up
on 324.6.
And "67 HEAVY" is up with Oakgrove on 364.2.
Momma told me there'd be days like this.
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL (28-11N 80-36W) monitoring
Patrick AFB (KCOF) NASA-KSC Shuttle Landing Fac (KX68)
Avon Park Bombing Range (KAGR) Cape Canaveral AFS (KXMR)
JSTARS E-8 Acft Integration Facility, Melbourne IAP (KMLB)
Worldwide Military HF Communications
Life Member: Missile, Space and Range Pioneers.
http://hometown.aol.com/allanstern/myhomepage/index.html (My Freqs)
http://hometown.aol.com/scanaddict/index.html (My Equipment)
Check his site and see the largest collection of scanners I have ever seen.
It is 11:12am EST, and all sorts of things are happening in the air here.
LIMA LIMA 45 and LIMA LIMA 47 (Jax P-3Cs) are both in the pattern at Patrick.
NASA 4 (Gulfstream II) just took off.
NAVY 8E 058, a flight of four helos is passing through the area and chatting
away on 303.0. They are admiring the sights, including the Patrick AFB golf
BOLT 11, one of MacDill's KC-135Rs, is AARing Charleston C-17 LIFTER 35; up
on 324.6.
And "67 HEAVY" is up with Oakgrove on 364.2.
Momma told me there'd be days like this.
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL (28-11N 80-36W) monitoring
Patrick AFB (KCOF) NASA-KSC Shuttle Landing Fac (KX68)
Avon Park Bombing Range (KAGR) Cape Canaveral AFS (KXMR)
JSTARS E-8 Acft Integration Facility, Melbourne IAP (KMLB)
Worldwide Military HF Communications
Life Member: Missile, Space and Range Pioneers.
http://hometown.aol.com/allanstern/myhomepage/index.html (My Freqs)
http://hometown.aol.com/scanaddict/index.html (My Equipment)
Check his site and see the largest collection of scanners I have ever seen.