District 32 - Millstone Twp.
32-1 - Millstone Fire Department
Monmouth County, NJ.
Calls are toned out over Monmouth County South Alert: 155.175 and I am looking to just set up the scanner for the correct QC II pager tones for this department. The new scanner has the ability to set it up so it acts like a pager. In Wiki, there is not much of anything. Hoping someone has this information. After the call is toned out they switch over to South Response. 151.130.
32-1 - Millstone Fire Department
Monmouth County, NJ.
Calls are toned out over Monmouth County South Alert: 155.175 and I am looking to just set up the scanner for the correct QC II pager tones for this department. The new scanner has the ability to set it up so it acts like a pager. In Wiki, there is not much of anything. Hoping someone has this information. After the call is toned out they switch over to South Response. 151.130.