Mingo county encryption

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2013
I was told today by a Firefighter that soon Mingo County will be fully Encrypted for every system they operate on. Police, Fire , 911 , ALL. . I ask him if he was sure and he said for sure. I hope he made a mistake and it is DMR instead but he insisted it is to be Encryption. Bubba or anyone do you have any information on this? You all have been so helpful and I thank you for the help. HAVE A BLESSED DAY EVERYONE.


WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Oct 19, 2008
Charleston W.V.
Mingo County

I was told today by a Firefighter that soon Mingo County will be fully Encrypted for every system they operate on. Police, Fire , 911 , ALL. . I ask him if he was sure and he said for sure. I hope he made a mistake and it is DMR instead but he insisted it is to be Encryption. Bubba or anyone do you have any information on this? You all have been so helpful and I thank you for the help. HAVE A BLESSED DAY EVERYONE.

I have not heard anything on this but I will let you know if I do.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2013
Mingo county encryption

Thank you Bubba. If I can find out anything else I will give an update. I pray they don’t go with encryption. One state out West has a lawsuit against their state for the use of encryption. If they want I the figure that it will go for every state I think the Freedom of information act would help them win I could be wrong but I pray they win. Have a blessed day and Thank you again.


Feed Provider
Mar 19, 2007
Virginia/West Virginia
If they want to go to digital they should use the SIRN like most counties. Agencies on the SIRN can have talkgroups that are encrypted for secure communications, but dispatch talkgroups are in the clear. For the county to set up its own fully encrypted system or even unencrypted DMR doesn't make a lot of sense - it kills interoperability, puts up a wall between fire departments and the community when fire departments are having a hard time recruiting people as it is, etc.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2013
Mingo County Encryption

Sorry about the type-o SIRN and Analog . See they know people can hear them now with the new scanner's. They already have it at their option to scramble on SIRN and ANALOG. Why they want to be Encrypted ? I was told that just one Handheld Encrypted Radio cost over $ 1,700.00 dollars. They want all county agencies to be encrypted according to this Fire fighter . Would the Feds give them grants to help pay for doing this ? I don't know. I don't think the Fire fighter is a liar. He told me the person that does the programing of their radio's told him. That is as far as I could get on any of this. I sure want to thank everyone for the help that has been given on this subject. Perhaps we need to watch for grant applications . FROM THIS OLD MAN HAVE A BLESSED DAY TO EVERYONE AND THANKS AGAIN FOR THE HELP.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2013
Mingo County Encryption

Ok, Here is the latest after talking with the Fire Fighter again. He said they can not afford the encrypted radio's so the Fire Dept. for Gilbert Wv will use as soon as they get the money the SIRN . BUBBA, Have they applied for an ID number yet? I can't find anything saying they have. I want to thank everyone for the help on this subject. You all are GREAT ON THIS SITE. You all have a VERY BLESSED DAY. If I can find out anything else I will be sure to post the information .
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