I have a MJF-1886 LOOP I use for listening to the hf frequency bands, I don't think it's working like it was when I bought the loop two years ago.
I was wondering how I would check the bias-t to see if it's working the way it should. Can someone walk me through how I would go about seeing if I have a problem with the bias-t. I don't want to go and order another bias-t for this antenna if there is nothing wrong with it. MJF sell the bias=t for 176.00 dollars US.
I was wondering how I would check the bias-t to see if it's working the way it should. Can someone walk me through how I would go about seeing if I have a problem with the bias-t. I don't want to go and order another bias-t for this antenna if there is nothing wrong with it. MJF sell the bias=t for 176.00 dollars US.