This plan works, OP.
I plan for max draw of 30A and generally don’t get much above 20A.
As a result I’ve used 6-AWG for years as those installs were 20-25’ total circuit length. I use it for shorter runs.
Otherwise, I stay with 10-AWG and splice it close to device being powered. These two wire sizes do the job for me.
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No more than 1/2V drop DC at mic key-up.
Assume device fuse rating is standard amp draw to determine wire gauge minimum.
Distribution Block makes it easy now or in the future.
ANCOR heat-shrink adhesive connectors, not just tinned, multi-strand ANCOR marine-grade wire.
Plus split loom cover.
Build harness similar to OEM which can be removed as group.
Power is A System.
View attachment 177630
Mine begins at BATT with this fuse type
When the radio rig always gets high octane fuel it’ll always have killer throttle response.
— This may seem like “much”, but it’s nowhere near what you’ll see in research where
@mmckenna has detailed some of his professional dotGOV installs.
— It’s nowhere near what my son is underway with installing an FT-891 & Little Tarheel for his pickup.
The plan is everything.
This is the typical Amateur 12VDC power system:
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