Once again, the state statute isn't a problem, it's the county and city ordinances you have to watch out for. In some you need a permit which may limit you to a specific agency or agencies. Likely the cops don't even know such things, I've never had one raise an eyebrow but still it's best not to advertise "in your face" I suppose. Funny thing, that's how it is all over the UK, they have to get a permit from Ofcom even to listen to a pirate broadcaster. No kidding, I've read the rules! (;->)
NJ has a really quirky one now intended to expand the scope of the anti-cell phone statute. Now it's a primary offense to use a cell phone or text messaging device (the intended scope) while a vehicle is in motion. The unintended scope includes "all electronic communications devices" later to which was added an exemption for Amateur Radio but guess what. That's the ONLY exemption so technically the cops can cite taxi drivers, firemen and even other cops for using the radio. (;->)
The law's a funny thing, often literally.