For the PDs above:
221xx are Morris Twp mobiles
241xx are Morrristown mobiles
522xx are Morris Twp portables up to 52249
52250 starts Morris Minutemen EMS
52260 starts Morris Twp Fire
The mobiles are 55475-55487
524xx are Morristown portables up to 52449
52450 starts Morristown EMS
52460 starts Morristown Fire
The mobiles are 55541-55556
Here is the big BUT....the county originally had a basic line up, but as things started to expand over the years and they took on more agencies, you will see units scattered.
For example, 55921 and 55922 are Morris Twp PD units while 55923 through 55926 are Fire and then 55928 is Minutemen EMS. So don’t strictly go by the UID.
Then they started using the 57’s.
57401-57449 are Morristown PD portables.
57450 starts Morristown EMS
57460 starts Morristown Fire
Then they stared using the 22xxx and 24xxx Twp IDs first. Gives you more room when you take that 5 away as the first digit.
The newer IDs seem to follow a better pattern. I’ll take Netcong as an example. 28100’s are PD, 28500’s are EMS, 28600’s are Fire. So two digit Twp code, the agency type, then unit.
The older Netcong would be 5 then 28 then the two digit ID vs a three digit ID. 52801-49 PD, 52850-59 EMS, 52860 and up Fire.
See the patterns.