So they will equip these rolling "Comm Centers" and not PSAP's? This sounds like people can't co-ordinate as the crap is hitting the fan, they will instead have inter-op 30 minutes AFTER the crap hits the fan. That fits the pre-9/11 mind set of "Co-ordinate after a disaster happens, not as it is happening."
Seems like it would be a better idea to equip the PSAP's, the police shift supervisors, and the command centers. This way as the command vehicles are being sent to the scene of the emergency, the PSAP can be filling them in on the problem. The shift supervisor is presumeably on scene, and that would be "Imediate Interoperability" and not "Interoperability 30 minutes after s**t blows up"
The equipping of the shift supervisors' vehicles would be two fold:
First it gives the PSAP a backup communications link, and it feeds them on time info, or bypasses the PSAP and lets Town A's shift SGT talk to Town B's shift Sgt direct, minimizing the lost info between overworked dispatchers. It would feed info from the supervisor to the command vehicles as they are being rolled out of the garadges.
Secondly, if the inter-op system is being abused by a bored dispatcher, at 0-dark hundred, when no emergency exists, his supervisor hears it, and silences the problem before other agencies get annoyed and go over his head to deal with the problem.
Thats just my humble opinion, I hope they think of things like this in their planning.