MotoTRBO and similar systems in Alberta

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Jun 8, 2003

Yes, CPRN is no longer on Whyte Communications, please remove from database. I do know that CPRN is on Glentel verified from a Glentel salesman. I'm not 100% that it's them on 424.2625, since I'm not able to verify that.

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Dec 1, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
I see Glentel also has a repeater on 452.425 at that saskatchewan Drive address. I'll plug it in to check the type of signal.


That is used by Murray's trucking on 186.2

I can't imagine anyone else is on another tone as it gets heavy use by the trucking company.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
153.305 digital

My scanner stopped on this frequency a number of times today with some form of digital noise. First time I have heard anything on this frequency. Unfortunately, it is now locked out of scanning. Heard in SW Calgary, but very strong. Should add 462.5375 very strong in Downtown area.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
Not P25

Didn't show P25 on my Uniden. The 462.5375 sounds identical to the 463.9375 which I believe is MotoTRBO.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005

Heard digital transmissions on this frequency tonight. Not overly strong in south Calgary. Didn't sound like P25, nor MotoTRBO systems that I have heard. ? if another radio manufacturers digital. I see this frequency is listed to Okotoks [? Town or Rural Fire] as well as FREMS dispatch in Black Diamond. Didn't hear anything on 154.04 which is listed as repeater pair with 156.600. I have heard fire dispatch on 156.600 before and signal strength was stronger than this digital strength.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Some TRBO updates for Calgary:

- Based on decoding via DSD and the recorded files saved by my PSR-800, I am going to call 462.5375 Supply Chain Management, a large trucking warehouse in the 3900 block of 39 Avenue NE Calgary. The recordings I've picked up talk a lot about shifting trailers around, loading/unloading them, and "filling" and "emptying" doors - a lot of regular terminology in the freight shipping warehouse world. There's also maintenance work going on on this channel, including electricians troubleshooting some kind of moving object, which initially made it hard to pin down. But I'm fairly confident it's SCM. It uses both slots (0 and 1) and has a lot of data (non-voice) transmissions as well. (Perhaps GPS on forklifts etc?). Database being updated.

- 463.9375 I hear some TRBO-ish stuff on too but haven't gotten a decent enough signal to record yet. This frequency is licensed to SCM as well as about 11 billion other people within listening distance. Still working on it.

- 153.305 is licensed to Alpine Helicopters in Canmore and I have heard conventional analog on this frequency before with a ~200 Hz (can't remember if it's 203.5 or 250.3 or somewhere in between) tone. Other licensees of note include Western Midland Communications and Tesla Exploration, each with a number of "transportable repeaters". I am hearing the TRBO transmissions intermittently, but nowhere near enough to get a decent recording yet. Still working on it.

- Haven't heard anything on 156.6 yet, but haven't been looking. Maybe I'll plug it in tonight.

- Also haven't heard anything on 169.41 (the Airdrie Public Works freq, if I recall it right) despite monitoring it steadily. They may have moved on.

- Can't seem to get a signal in the city with a standard rubber-duck as far as any of the Wheatland County stuff goes. On my next days off, I'm going to slap the magmount on the car and drive right into Strathmore and see how things go from there.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
Good info, thanks

Thanks for solving the frequency of 462.5375. I did feel it was stonger in the NE, but also heard it fairly good in SE and SW [that is along Glenmore Trail]. Surprised that you cannot get 463.9375 stronger as I have received it full scale out of Calgary. Because of the digital noise I have locked it out of my scanners so seldom hear it. I have had 153.305 locked out as well, but will unlock it to hear if there is any analog. 156.600 was on earlier tonight, but it does have a different digital noise than P25 and MotoTRBO. Still hear a lot of MotoTRBO on 155.490 as this is the only Wheatland County frequency that I still have not locked out. When doing search for 462.5375, not to highjack this thread, did come across ARINC. Looked into this more and see that they are related to aircraft. Sorry, didn't do a search of RR to see if this has been mentioned before. Just provided it here for info..


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Apparently Supply Chain Management has another warehouse at Crossiron Mills with the 463.9375 freq assigned there. I've dumped in a bunch of freqs which may or may not be TRBO and I'll look at them tomorrow.

I did see the ARINC license. I'm not sure what that is - typical ACARS/ARINC signals are on the VHF air band portion as far as I know.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
I'm also going to classify 462.2375 as SCM. Some recordings last night refer to Bison trailers - Bison is a trucking company with heavy presence at SCM.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
156.6 is, according to DSD, a NXDN96 signal. NXDN is a Kenwood digital system similar to MotoTRBO. I don't have any licenses showing in TAFL except for Okotoks FD for 156.6, and I didn't go that way today for extended recording (only got a brief clip of sound), so I'll have to do some further sleuthing.

I'm going to ask them to rename this thread since we now have a non-TRBO system identified.

463.9375 gave me a really strong signal down near Manchester Yards (600-blk 25 Av SE) today on TRBO, but I've yet to pipe it thru DSD and see what came of it. There are so many licenses for it - especially downtown - that it could be just about anyone. We'll see what I get when I try to decode the audio.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Anything's possible, but it has occurred to me that I haven't recently heard Okotoks FD on the nightly pager tests that FRCC does ~1800. I wonder if the guys down that way (robertmac and etc) might take the tone off 158.805 as well and tell me if you hear anything similar, and/or just mention if you've heard Okotoks FD lately in analog.

My 463.9375 signals were of limited value - despite how "strong" they appear on the scanner, I am still getting crummy decode in DSD except for bits here and there. The one thing I got, ironically, was "You're 10-1, I'm going to call you on the phone".

I was in Strathmore today when one of the medics got a call. The initial page is completely garbled and unusable, despite me being in the center of town listening to 155.49. A moment later, I got "1's on the air, mileage" and then it turned to crap again.

I need to re-assess if my DSD setup is working. I am definitely getting decode, but I'm not 100% sure if the recorded signal from the PSR-800 is actually a "tapped" (so to speak) signal. I also encountered some other recordings tonight that were choppy and garbled (analog LTR trunk comms), so I'm wondering if the PSR-800 is not recording properly. (When looking at that, I noticed that I am writing trunk CC data to a log file at the same time I'm trying to record audio - maybe the scanner can't reliably do both at once.)


Feb 24, 2001
I need to re-assess if my DSD setup is working. I am definitely getting decode, but I'm not 100% sure if the recorded signal from the PSR-800 is actually a "tapped" (so to speak) signal. I also encountered some other recordings tonight that were choppy and garbled (analog LTR trunk comms), so I'm wondering if the PSR-800 is not recording properly. (When looking at that, I noticed that I am writing trunk CC data to a log file at the same time I'm trying to record audio - maybe the scanner can't reliably do both at once.)

It took me about a month to get DSD fine tuned. I gave up using any scanner as an audio source. Pulling audio from my IC-R7000, that made a world of difference.

DSD is not for the faint at heart, that's for sure.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
Thanks for the work Jay911

Thanks for trying to find these modes and identify the users. Come to think of it, I haven't heard Okotoks Fire for a while. I would say about 1 month. Unfortunately at 1800 I am usually getting ready for supper so don't pay a lot of attention to the pages. Plus have had computer problems so that has taken most of my spare time the past couple of weeks. But will try to be more listen more closely. The only thing that I have recently heard has been High River and Nanton Fire. I did hear Okotoks Fire on 156.600 occasionally, but more on 158.805, before the digital mode started. So it does makes sense that Okotoks Fire went to Kenwood NXND. I thought it sounded different than MotoTRBO. ICOMs don't seem to be as popular so didn't feel it was their digital [and I know it is not D Star]. It is very unfortunate that a large number of fire and ambulance are going MotoTRBO as it means I have locked out a number of these frequencies. And a couple of times this past week, I have even looked at my scanners to see if the volume was down as I had not heard a lot of activity [other than RCMP]. I'm not sure if it would be bootleggers on the Marine frequencies as I don't think they have gone digital on the VHF portion yet. The marine radios I have looked at are basically FM analog. But one never knows these days with people buying and using marine radios away from water and docks [that should be left for another thread]. Again, thanks Jay911 for your efforts this past week.
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