Adding a couple to Gary's list:
"CPAC" refers to the MSP detectives assigned to the relevant DA office.
"Notifications" refers to the notifications required in the case of a fatality: Recon, CPAC and, in the case of a fire, the State Fire Marshal's office.
A "Bambi" incident is a deer strike.
"OLN" is an "operator's license number" (formerly, and occasionally still, referred to as "Line 12").
WMS is the Warrant Management System.
Aegis is the computer system that provides access to such things as WMS, 9s, 10s, 11s and 14s, and some other things.
Code 4, when applied to an inanimate object or an animate object other than the trooper, is a slang expression for ceased function or deceased.
"R1" through "R9" usually refers to a speech intelligility description in response to a 13: R9 means "full quieting" and "R1" would mean totally unreadable. "R0" ("R Zero") is sometimes slang for an utter skell.
Radio IDs:
All radio IDs, when converted to decimal numbers, are summed to 700000 for display.
The original plan was that an ID of 75xxxx would be a cruiser radio in the cruiser with fender number xxxx, though this is not always the case.
An ID of 74xxxx refers to the Trooper's issued portable number, where xxxx is the Trooper's RTC number.