Here is my "VFO" to free old crystal locked set.
More details are here, including a pdf build instruction that is too beg to post on this forum....
Generic 2M VK3ZYZ Arduino Nano VFO
Here is the code for a generic VFO that has some options select-able.
and some of the history of the project for those who like to read a lot...
Basic Arduino VFO for crystal replacement (FM828 etc)
This will be the next version of my basic Arduino VFO to replace crystals in old sets. The board size is a little over 2" a side. It is a pretty minimum system, but does include CTCSS. The encoder and display are not mounted on the board and all interconnects are with wires soldered on. No...
This board has been used on various radios from HF SSB sets to UHF FM. And also, as a VHF repeater controller.
Repeater Controller is also the synthesyser.
EDIT: If you want the final code without all the steps, jump to post #10. As I have an FM828 set up as a repeater (still on commercial band but that will change to 2M.) I've started modifying one of my basic Arduino Nano VFOs to be a controller. Here it is so far. It will have 15 channels...
There is a lot of other info at Forums
Feel free to download the info and modify to your heart's content.