So I'm going to make the jump and put an antenna in the attic for my scanner (currently just a BC125AT but I'll be upgrading that later). I think I've zeroed in on a Diamond D130J or D130NJ which are the same price. Difference being the connector from what I can tell. I already have an unused 50' length of DX Engineering's 400MAX with PL-259 connectors on both ends that I bought for an earlier project I didn't go with. Question is, do I use that cable or is there a substantial difference in going with the N connector on the D130NJ to justify ordering a new length of coax with N connectors? In either case, I'll need a jumper to go from that coax to the scanner's BNC female. And yes, I know attic placement isn't the best but putting it outside was denied by the wife and it's not a hill I'm prepared to die on.