A few things out of the way so you guys don't blast me out too bad.
1. I'm new to the forum - just registered today.
2. Yes, I've used the search feature to locate but I'm still confused about some frequencies and agencies.
3. I have already searched google as well.
Ok specific questions.
1. Does anyone know what the NYSP frequencies are for Nassau County?
When it comes to NYSP, I'm really confused. I thought NYSP was operating on a digital communications infrastructure? I have seen so many posts up to 12/2008 about the NYSP VHF frequencies and how often they've been changed around from simplex to duplex etc. I have no idea which ones are working at this point but this morning, I combed through some of the later 2008 posts and tried every VHF frequency listed but didn't receive a second of conversation after monitoring for an hour.
2. Does anyone know the Nassau County Sheriff frequencies?
All of the frequencies I've reviewed online using google do not seem to work. I've had them programmed into my 246t for awhile. Can anyone confirm active frequencies these guys?
As of now here are the agencies I have entered:
- Nassau PD
- Suffolk PD
- Fire Departments around both counties.
If anyone has any other cool or interesting agencies or frequency updates to share in Nassau and Suffolk, please do .
Thanks a bunch!
1. I'm new to the forum - just registered today.
2. Yes, I've used the search feature to locate but I'm still confused about some frequencies and agencies.
3. I have already searched google as well.
Ok specific questions.
1. Does anyone know what the NYSP frequencies are for Nassau County?
When it comes to NYSP, I'm really confused. I thought NYSP was operating on a digital communications infrastructure? I have seen so many posts up to 12/2008 about the NYSP VHF frequencies and how often they've been changed around from simplex to duplex etc. I have no idea which ones are working at this point but this morning, I combed through some of the later 2008 posts and tried every VHF frequency listed but didn't receive a second of conversation after monitoring for an hour.
2. Does anyone know the Nassau County Sheriff frequencies?
All of the frequencies I've reviewed online using google do not seem to work. I've had them programmed into my 246t for awhile. Can anyone confirm active frequencies these guys?
As of now here are the agencies I have entered:
- Nassau PD
- Suffolk PD
- Fire Departments around both counties.
If anyone has any other cool or interesting agencies or frequency updates to share in Nassau and Suffolk, please do .
Thanks a bunch!