Need a list of frequencies

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Apr 6, 2013
El Dorado, Arkansas
I have a Radioshack 405 analog desktop scanner I use with a telescopic indoor antenna and need a list of frequencies that are known to be recieved by a scanner located in El Dorado, Arkansas. Frequencies for the Arkansas counties: Columbia, Union, Ouachita, Calhoun, Bradley, and Ashley. Louisiana parishes: Union, Claiborne, Morehouse, and Lincoln. I so far have been able to get an air to air helicopter frequency, the El Dorado police department, the Union County Sherrifs frequency, Promed Ambulance of Union County, South Arkansas Regional Airport (Goodwin Airfield) air traffic control tower, the Union Pacific railroad subdivision in El Dorado, AR, the UP railyard in El Dorado, and the UP railroad repeater in McGehee, AR. If anyone out there who has a Radioshack 405 analog scanner who lives in El Dorado or Union County Arkansas, please list more frequencies. Others who live in El Dorado or Unoin County Arkansas your input would also be greatly appreciated. I don't know if is accurate. This website had quite a few frequencies for El Dorado, AR listed, tried tunning in to them, no luck.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Arkansas Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Louisiana Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference

You may want to look there first. Am in process of updating both states.... Many of the areas you want to know about also use the AWIN or LWIN P25 Digital TRS's, for operations, as well as MotoTRBO digital systems, and even some NXDN Digital operations. If any of the agencies you want to monitor are on AWIN, LWIN, or using TRBO, or NXDN, then you will NOT be able to monitor them with an analog scanner. TRBO and NXDN you can NOT moitor on ANY scanner without the aid of DSD software and a feed to your PC from iether a tap point, or tap feed vias the PC/IF, or headphone jack.
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Sep 25, 2004
South Arkansas
Union County uses AWIN 95% of the time. As well as state police is on AWIN 100% of the time.

As far as ElDorado, I think they are still using VHF analog. Ouachita County can't be monitored with a scanner, but you can listen to them live over the internet here.
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