Need Help Confirming Morris County Buisness Freqs

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Mar 8, 2005

Ive been working on a Confirmed List of Morris County Buisness Freqs for about a year now. I went and compiled a large group of FCC licenses and went out to confirm them myself, not being satisfied untill I had the input/output as well as CTCSS/DCS of every station recorded as proof and for ease of later listening. Needless to say I havent achieved that yet! Haha. So here is what I have so far, if an entry has no CTCSS/DCS listed under either the Input or Output Column it means its unconfirmed by me, if it says CSQ thats my way of saying "Been there, Heard that, no tone..." So a blank under tone means not confirmed or signal was to weak to get a lock on the tone.

Im trying to keep it in the format needed to eventualy submit it to the RR database under a buisness sub catagory perhaps? Some company names have changed, so rather than leave them outdated as the FCC records show, I updated them with their real name for ease of Identification, as in the "Parsippany LLP" being shown here as "Parsippany Hilton" for example.

Parsippany / Hanover Area:

Sheraton 462.8250 WNID291
Sheraton "Control" 464.5750 223 DCS WNID291
Securitas (voice pages) 464.6750 223 DCS 469.6750 WPTP815
Securitas 464.5000 469.5000 113 DCS
Securitas 464.5500 469.5500
Securitas 469.9250 WPXF297
Securitas 154.5700
Securitas 151.9550
Securitas 151.6550
Securitas 151.6250
The Mountain Club 464.6625 469.6625 WPMD303
Hanover Marriot 464.4250 469.4250 WPUK870
Parsippany Hilton (Eng) 462.0000 245 DCS 467.0000 245 DCS WPSG578
Parsippany Hilton (Sec) 464.6000 74 DCS 469.6000 74 DCS WPSG578
BASF 464.8750 131 DCS 469.8750 WPLF938
Kraft Foods (Bldg Evac tests) 153.0800 WPNS215
Kraft Foods 476.8500 114 DCS 479.8500 WPNS215
Kraft Foods 476.8750 479.8750 WPNS215
Kraft Foods 476.7000 223 DCS 479.7000 WPNS215
Cedant Ops 461.9250 203.5 466.9250 WPWT409
Rustic Ridge 151.9550 KB73519
Lucent 451.1750 456.1750 WPBD889
Lucent 462.3750 467.3750 KNJE406
Lucent 462.3500 467.3500 KNJE406
Lucent 462.9000 467.9000 WNRE397
Lucent 464.4750 469.4750 WNRE397
Pfizer 452.2125 457.2125 WPXA433
Pfizer 452.4500 457.4500 WPYK315
Pfizer 464.9000 469.9000 WPWR902
Prudential 151.8050 WNZA640
Prudential 461.4125 466.4125 WNZA640
Prudential 461.5125 WNZA640
W. Lambert 451.3750 456.3750 WPFQ497
W. Lambert 451.6750 456.6750 WPFQ497
W. Lambert 456.4250 WPFQ497
W. Lambert 456.4750 WPFQ497
W. Lambert 456.5250 WPFQ497
W. Lambert 467.8500 WPCF822
Toys R Us 452.0500 457.0500 WPWR913
Toys R Us 457.2250 WPWR913
Toys R Us 457.6250 WPWR913
Toys R Us 466.7500 WPWR913
Aventis Pharm 461.4875 466.4875 WPTQ598
Deutsch Bank 452.1375 457.1375 WPZI486
Gale Wentworth 464.3750 WNML905
Intel Corp 463.4375 468.4375 WQAC472
Intel Corp 464.4875 468.4875
NJ Manufacturing Ins 461.4625 466.4625 WPII632
NJ Manufacturing Ins 461.7375 466.7375
Novartis 153.1550 WNUA877
Novartis 153.1850 WNUA877
Novartis 462.3250 467.3250 WNUA877
Novartis 462.2500 467.2500 WNUA877
Novartis 462.4000 467.4000 WNUA877
Novartis 462.5000 467.5000 WNUA877
Novartis 467.2000 WNUA877
Novartis 467.2750 WNUA877
NY Life Investment 463.6875 WPTE536
NY Life Investment 464.7625 WPTE536
Powder Mill Assoc. 464.4000 703 DCS 469.4000 WNXD223
Givadaun Flavors Corp 462.2000 467.2000 WNSU273
Givadaun Flavors Corp 462.4250 467.4250 WNSU273
Givadaun Flavors Corp 464.9500 469.9500 WNSU273
Givadaun Flavors Corp 463.2625 468.2625 WNSU273
Tiffany 461.3125 WPYY541
Tiffany 462.1250 WPWQ267
Tiffany 463.3375 WPWQ267
Tiffany 463.7750 WPWQ267
Tiffany 463.7875 WPPY541
Tiffany 464.3375 WPWQ267
Tiffany 464.6125 469.6125 WPWQ267
Tiffany 464.9375 WPWQ267
UPS Parsippany 451.9125 WPVW377
UPS Parsippany 452.3375 WPVW377
UPS Parsippany 452.4625 WPVW377
UPS Parsippany 452.8500 WPVW377
UPS Parsippany 453.0125 WPVW377
UPS Parsippany 464.2000 WPVW377

International Trade Zone in Mt. Olive:

BASF 462.2250 467.2250 WPGK435
BASF 462.3250 467.3250
Lucent 462.2750 467.2750 WPJU380
Lucent 462.4250 467.4250
Givaudan 451.4625 456.4625 WPPV706
Givaudan 452.3375 457.3375
Givaudan 461.6125 466.6125
Givaudan 462.9375 467.9375
Givaudan 463.6875 468.6875
Givaudan 463.9375 468.9375
Givaudan 464.4375 469.4375
Givaudan 464.7625 469.7625
FED EX Mt Olive 856.8625 KNNH891
FED EX Mt Olive 811.8625
FED EX Mt Olive 855.9375
FED EX Mt Olive 819.9375
Wyndham Hotel 464.8250 467.8750 WPMV550
ITC Security 452.4250 WPMV981
ITC Security Dispatch 452.5500 141.3 WPMV981
Calvin Klien (unused) 463.2250 KD39893
Calvin Klien (simplex) 468.2250 311 DCS
Calvin Klien 462.5000 265 DCS 467.5000 265 DCS
Calvin Klien 464.4625 77 469.4625 77
Calvin Klien 464.4500 43 DCS 469.4500 43 DCS
Calvin Klien 464.1500 77 469.1500 77
Calvin Klien 461.3750 134 DCS 466.3750 134 DCS
Pier 1 151.9550 74.4 none
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Jul 29, 2002
Good post, let's keep it going. I'll see if I can find a few PL's/DCS tones. Good way to utilize the Close Call feature of my new BCD396T!

I can confirm the Kraft information listed, they have a powerful repeater since they used to have locations in both Parsippany and East Hanover. Now they are just located in East Hanover but you should be able to hear them from several towns away. Not much will be heard other than your normal Corporate Security and Maintenance chatter however.

I did find one inaccuracy that stood out to me right away...

(Lucent (Security) 464.4750 94.8 469.4750) I think this is actually FDU Campus Security in Madison but I could be wrong since there are a ton of companies licensed to that frequency. I guess you really need to be close to determine who's who.


Feb 24, 2001
Morris County Business Frequencies

464.475 PL 94.8 is FDU Security.
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Mar 8, 2005
Callsign: WNRE397
Frequency Assigned 464.475

Callsign: WPPT639
Frequency Assigned: 464.475

Ok so we got two on the same freq. close enough together that I mixed up the Tone, sorry about that.


Mar 8, 2005
I went over the max character limit on the edited post, so Ill put the second half here, with some updates on callsigns and a few output repeater freqs I missed.

Roxbury/Randolph Area:

County Conc...........35.8600
County Conc..........451.8250......025 DCS.....456.8250................WPAF750
Home Depot .........463.2875 (never heard any avtivity)
Peach Bros .............35.4800
Benkerdorf .............43.4800........................................KZE332
Harring Const.........47.6000
Dixon Brothers........49.5600
Schindler Elevator...462.4000..........467.4000................WPBW614
Schindler Elevator...462.5250
Royal Comm..........461.2250..........466.2250.................WPME920
Lake Land Bus........49.0400...........156.7.......................KLI339
Lake Land Bus........452.6625..........457.6625.............. KLI339
Algonquin Gas........49.0200........................................WNDG587
Algonquin Gas.......451.6500........................................WPKN316
Algonquin Gas.......464.5150..........469.5150
Algonquin Gas..........464.9125..........469.9125...............KQ9690
Antenna Site Mgmt...451.9000..........456.9000
Region Oil (Dover)....31.8400........................................WQBG312
Region Oil (Dover)....43.0000........................................KNBZ527

Rockaway Mall Area:

Rockaway Mall Sec..........464.9750..........97.4..........469.9750..........KNAN406
Rockaway Macys..........464.1000..........469.1000..........WNVY454
Rockaway Macys..........464.1750..........469.1750..........WNVY454
Rockaway Macys..........464.2750..........469.2750..........WNVY454
JC Penny..........461.6125..........KB95166

M+H Services..........44.2200..........KNEK759
Waste MGMT..........461.1875
Waste MGMT..........461.8875..........WPYN790
Texas Eastern..........48.9400..........KTM928
Hickory Texaco..........31.2400

Just Found this in Clifton (Not Morris Cty but is a duplicate of many above freqs)
Tri State REACT..........464.5000..........469.5000..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........464.5500..........469.5500..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........451.8000..........456.8000..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........451.8125..........456.8125..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........158.4000..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........151.6250..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........151.5050..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........151.7000..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........43.0400..........WQAN938
Tri State REACT..........35.0400..........WQAN938

As I sort out the callsigns that go with these freqs I will defenitely add them. I do have a few more CTCSS hits on the way, written on scraps of paper in my car, as well as some listings from the FCC web site that I havent been able to associate with a company name of any kind. Hopefully with everyone elses additions this can become a quick job and add to the pool of accurate frequency data on the RR site.

After previewing my post, none of the excel sheet spacing is left, sorry about the lack of spacing. The intent was to have "Output Freq" "Output Tone" "Input Freq" "Input Tone" then "Callsign" but apparently the board removed the spacing....

As an FYI I have this whole thing in Excel with working links for the callsigns (that bring up the detailed Lic. directly via the FCC web site when clicked on!) Which I can always e-mail or post elsewhere. The Excel Document is very easy for viewing, and writing in the captured PL/DPL on the armwrest of your car when you finaly get that hit.
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Feb 24, 2001
Need Help Confirming Morris County Business Freqs

Colgate - Palmolive Company ( Former Mennen Company ) WPKF - 526

153.065 First Aid Team Paging

461.9625 Unused / Montclair State University PD on this frequency also.

464.1875 F-1 DPL 125 Production, Labs, Supervisor's, Warehouse, Security.

464.8875 F-2 DPL 054 Maintenance ( In House )

Nextel's are used by Upper Management and Department Heads.


Mar 8, 2005
I have some updates of CTCSS and DCS for my origional post, but for some reason when Im logged in I cant change it.... Is this normal? Im used to being able to always change my posts. If not this thread will get pretty unwieldy, with all the updates scattered around. Maybe the wiki thing would be a better short term place to collect it all, or perhaps we can submit the confirmed freqs and callsigns peacemeal to the moderators as we catch them?
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