New Guy With Some ????'s

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Dec 16, 2007
Ok guys I am new at this stuff, and really don't understand all the frequencies and what not. I have a few questions though. I currently own a Radio Shack Pro95 and have all the local PD's and emergency (OKC Area's) programmed in. However I am working mainly in the OCPD area and am wondering if there is any way to get the OCPD traffic on my handheld? I have read all the post regarding the OCPD questions, & unfortunately they are to technical for me to understand. lol. If I don't have the correct radio, which one do I need, and how cheap can I pick one up for? Any and all help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance - Shucky


Aug 10, 2007
Bethany, OK
*For now* you can still hear OCPD on the old VHF frequencies, as they are simulcasting.

Not sure just why they still do that, but supposedly at some point in the future they will turn off the old transmitters and be completely on the Provoice system. At that point, since there are no Provoice-capable scanners, the ONLY way to listen to them will be to have a Provoice capable radio that is programmed correctly (e.g. by the city's radio shop, basically). Good luck getting that done, unless you have a special qualification they will accept - the media has gotten that done, perhaps a few others.

As I understand it, if you do get one of these set up, they will also know when you have the radio on (it affiliates with the system, even though it'd be programmed receive only) and have the ability to lock you out anytime they want. (Wonder if they've ever done that to the media? :p ) So certainly not the same as listening to a scanner!

Someone mentioned a while back that some traffic might start appearing on the DPS trunk system, which can be listened to, as long as it isn't encrypted. So maybe one day...

I'm not "in the know", I'm just repeating things I've read and heard from others! :)


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Next to a scanner...
Several of us will be meeting this Wed. (Dec 19th) at Buffalo Wild Wings near I-40 and Rockwell. Perhaps we can answer some questions and show you some equipment if you can make it.

N5USR is on the right track though...

Media radios only have certain talkgroups (quite limited compared to what the PD or FD has) - so that is OKC's way of limiting. They could stun the radio also - and completely turn it off. Programming-over-the-air for the EDACS radios is possible, but I haven't heard of anyone here using it (too many things could go wrong apparently).
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