mredding said:
Notes Channel RX Freq TX/RX PL
Middlesex Cnty JEMS 1 1 155.2200 103.5
Middlesex Cnty JEMS 2 2 155.3400 103.5
Middlesex Cnty JEMS 3 3 155.2800 103.5
JEMS 4 4 153.7850 CSQ
KKQ927 VMARS Repeater 5 151.1600 103.5
NJ Attorney Gen WQAU448 6 155.7525 156.7
NJ Attorney Gen WQAU448 7 151.1375 156.7
NJ Attorney Gen WQAU448 8 154.4525 156.7
NJ Attorney Gen WQAU448 9 158.7375 156.7
NJ Attorney Gen WQAU448 10 159.4725 156.7
Unknown Repeater 11 155.1000 107.3
JEMS 3 12 155.2800 CSQ
Personal Quibble... JEMS 2, JEMS 3 and JEMS 4 are statewide. JEMS 2 is actually a nationwide hospital-ambulance channel; we use the "JEMS 2" name in NJ to denote its place in our statewide EMS plan but nationwide it is the HEAR ("Hospital Emergency Ambulance Radio") channel/system.
Only JEMS 1 changes on a per county basis. Also, JEMS 2-4 are supposed to be CSQ per the NJ EMS Communications Plan, though 131.8 Hz is commonly used with JEMS 4 (a.k.a. SPEN4). See for more info.
That's not to say people won't label and/or program the radios differently; just makes it harder to find common channels to use to communicate with each other.
Adding a CTCSS tone to JEMS 3 and calling it Middlesex County JEMS3 (ch. 3 above) as opposed to the statewide JEMS 3 (ch. 12) just makes it easier to interfere with someone else on the channel. You wouldn't hear someone in Union or Somerset county on JEMS 3 without the PL and could think the channel is available for your use so you start transmitting and then neither message gets through.
Or you get called to a disaster in Ohio and your crew doesn't realize they can talk to a hospital there using "Middlesex County" JEMS2 if you know the correct DTMF sequence.
Ch. 6-10 are VCALL and VTAC1-4, in that order, and are nationwide public safety interoperability channels. While the NJ Attorney General's office has licensed base stations on those channels, any eligible public safety agency is permitted mobile and/or portable radios on these channels. Again, better to use a more universal name for these channels as opposed to "NJ Attorney Gen WQAU448" or "channel 8" since when you respond out of area, or someone from out of area comes to help your agency, they won't know what channel you are talking about using.
EDIT: The only valid license in state that had both 155.100 and 158.865 listed that I found is KNFL662 registered to Essex County. Anyone have any clue about Channel 11?
Essex County OEM's repeater -- EMS in Newark has this as channel six last I looked.