New Models and Trust

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In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
In the last couple of days, an anonymous poster has been sending messages to many Yahoo! groups saying that he has information about a new BCD536HP scanner from Uniden, and that pictures and complete details are to come, soon. He has also created an anonymous account on RadioReference and posted similar messages, here, through an anonymous proxy service. Moderators at RadioReference deleted the messages and advised me that I might have a possible problem with someone releasing confidential information.

That disturbed me a lot. I used to go through a rather elaborate process including getting signed confidentiality agreements from beta testers. However, I have found that folks I ask for help from (most of whom come from these forums) are some of the most trustworthy individuals I have ever worked with. In 10 years of beta testing, I have only had one bad experience...and that was a long time ago. The thought that someone who I have come to trust and respect might have taken advantage of that trust really made me sad and a little sick to my stomach.

I was very glad, this morning, to get confirmation that the individual making these posts is not a member of my trusted circle. I do know the person's identity, but have no intention of publicly sharing that knowledge, and I ask those others who know to also not disclose that information. As to how they came across some privileged information: Two of the folks who do some testing for us have recently been victims of mal-email events where a spam message was sent under their name to everyone in their address book. The person posting the information was in one of the tester's email address book and saw the email address of one of the beta groups: That is all the information the person received...the name of a beta test group.

I do see that he is promising pictures and other details. He has neither pictures (that would be rather impossible) nor details and seems to be doing this to either aggrandize himself (anonymously?) or to hurt Uniden's business. He is taking great pains to keep his identity a secret, so he absolutely knows that what he is doing is unethical.

As I have said several times, Uniden is always working on some new product that will come out some time in the future. We are working on something currently called BCD536HP. However, release of this product is not imminent. Details of what the final features will be are still in flux. And anything posted by NAMPU (cute name, eh?) or BCD536HP (on the Yahoo! groups) is at best a fabrication and at worst a further breach of ethics.

I do expect to have something to start talking about in a couple of months. After details are no longer fuzzy, and when we can have an intelligent and informed discussion. Of course, I read with interest every post in the "What I want in a New Scanner" threads (there are always one or two of these active around here). I cannot promise that all suggestions in these threads are going to be in a final product (it would need to be as big as a house for that :)). I can promise that any new products will have some things you have never before seen in a scanner.


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Going to stick this thread for awhile :)

Marshall KE4ZNR
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