I went to the RR link that crabs74 posted, and from what I can gather from what Llewlyn posted on that thread, if you have the Status Bit set for "on" or "Yes" (don't know exactly how it reads on the 396), you can program Talk Group 936 and you should receive it okay. He used a different TG example, I think 1616 and 1618, but same principle. I had to read it a few times, but that's what I got out of it. Maybe you can check it out and see if you come up with the same thing. I'm going to put the Status bit "ON' on my 785D and program both 936 and 38448 and see what happens. It may be a while before we hear anything on it though, because as crabs said, it's only used for major incidents. I don't want to wish anybody any bad luck, but hopefully there will be a major incident soon and we can clear this up. Anyway, read that post by Llewelyn and let me know what you get out of it.