Paulding is going to a Mototrbo UHF system, very soon. In their infinite wisdom they're spending all that money on a proprietary system instead of regular P25. I'm currently in Rochester, NY, who has a series of conventional UHF P25 repeaters that work amazingly well. No reason to buy into proprietary standards, now they are stuck and forced to buy Motorola stuff, radios that are not even designed for public safety.
Paulding's problem (as someone who's been a subscriber on the Paulding system) isn't their radio system (though that needed upgrades) it's the fact that they have way too many units on the same channel, and way too few dispatchers...
....rant finished.
Paulding is going to a Mototrbo UHF system, very soon. In their infinite wisdom they're spending all that money on a proprietary system instead of regular P25. I'm currently in Rochester, NY, who has a series of conventional UHF P25 repeaters that work amazingly well. No reason to buy into proprietary standards, now they are stuck and forced to buy Motorola stuff, radios that are not even designed for public safety.
Paulding's problem (as someone who's been a subscriber on the Paulding system) isn't their radio system (though that needed upgrades) it's the fact that they have way too many units on the same channel, and way too few dispatchers...
....rant finished.
You're repeating the same old 'misinformation' that's been spread all over the internet by people who don't know what they're talking about.
MOTOTRBO is based on DMR, which is a standard. DMR is is not proprietary. There are numerous companies now making DMR-compatible equipment. In fact, Harris just announced a line of DMR products and they are promoting them for small, rural public safety agencies.
And the MOTOTRBO radios (XPR-series) meet the same standards for durability, etc. as the XTS/XTL 'public safety' line of equipment.
John Rayfield, Jr. CETma
You're repeating the same old 'misinformation' that's been spread all over the internet by people who don't know what they're talking about.
MOTOTRBO is based on DMR, which is a standard. DMR is is not proprietary. There are numerous companies now making DMR-compatible equipment. In fact, Harris just announced a line of DMR products and they are promoting them for small, rural public safety agencies.
And the MOTOTRBO radios (XPR-series) meet the same standards for durability, etc. as the XTS/XTL 'public safety' line of equipment.
John Rayfield, Jr. CETma
The misinformation is actually what their vendor has led them to believe. I was standing there when their vendor said "'s digital, you can talk to Cobb, Atlanta, etc"
I was also there, in person, when the same vendor quoted us $13k for an APX... I would be shocked if they didn't get locked into Motorola gear.
And btw, those standards don't mean crap. Those of us who have relied our lives on a radio to put out a 63 call see a pretty big difference between XPR series toys and XTS/APX series.
CapacityPlus and Connect Plus are indeed proprietary John, or did you miss that little trademark indicator?
If they go straight conventional TRBO, great- but the two versions of the RFP say CapacityPlus trunking, so it is indeed proprietary. Unless you can tell me how to program my Hytera PD782G on CP...or Vertex, or Harris DMR for that matter.
I never said anything about Capacity Plus or Connect Plus. Yes, the trunking systems are proprietary. But DMR is not.
John Rayfield, Jr. CETma
Paulding county is not buying a straight up TRBO repeater, so they aren't getting a non-proprietary DMR system.
The HT1250, or better yet, what we used on the Paulding system, the HT1550XLS are horrible for public safety. They're fine for "organizations" as Motorola puts it on their page, or for HAMs, but they're not good enough for public safety. The fact that I could stand on Nebo Rd and barely make it in, where a dispatcher couldn't understand me on the HT1550XLS, but I'd get in full quieting on an old HT1000 or XTS5000 aught to tell you something.
See, the difference is, most people believe marketing, then there are those of us who have been in a fight with someone and figured out the hard way that getting out on a system versus not getting out, is a bit more serious than a discussion on radio reference or Batlabs.
It appears that you are in a large metropolitan area - Atlanta - is that correct?