12818 (UID = 205164) unidentified TG on rr.com. Someone have the details on this and/or 12886 also not listed in rr.com?
I know that 12818 is used by Hinesville Police Dept. When they started using the system, the units and dispatch were heard on 12818 then one day, it was silent and I heard units and dispatch on 12820. I am not sure if they switch between then or there use of 12818 was temporary, but I know for certain, it is an HPD talkgroup. As far as 12886, I have not heard or had a hit on that talkgroup, then again, I have not had my PRO-106 hooked up to UniTrunker to watch the system as I have been busy. I will try to get it hooked back up tonight and try to listen in and identify. Hope this helps you lep.
Also, I try to keep the Liberty Co. Wiki updated with new information. It is located here:
Liberty County (GA) - The RadioReference Wiki