As the FT-8900!is an amateur radio as stated above would be the best place. Of course RTFM as in read the factory manual shows how to program the radio. You don't mention the problem. I find it is easy to program, but then I have used this radio for years.
But for anyone to help you, please explain the problem you are having. But check TFM first.
I didn't necessarily want to discuss the particulars in this thread... not wanting to run afoul of the "don't post duplicate messages" directive on my very first day!
I did submit a thread, but it hasn't been posted yet. This is only my 4th post, so everything has to be approved first to prove I'm not a spammer (I suppose that is the reason... but I like it). But the long story short is I can get simplex and NOAA tuned in, but the repeaters in the area just aren't coming up. I've got the shift, step, pulse... everything just like it says in the manual. I can hear activity on my Baofeng HT, but it's not coming on my Yaesu.
At any rate, when my post comes up, I'm hoping you can check it out. I am in need of an FT-8900 mentor.