This is an absolutely indispensable resource and cannot imagine what it would be like without it! I’ve been a ham since the spring of 1977 and operate primarily high speed CW the old fashioned way using my ears and what little gray matter is still in existence at the age of 60. I also do some contesting but haven‘t been as active as I once was. I’m quite sure you’ve had more than enough of this sleeper so let me get right to the point: The world of scanners has changed from my first exposure to them back in the late 60’s, where the days of rockbound scanners was considered “state of the art” and synthesized radios were just barely moving into their theoretical stage of life! Fast forward to the fall of 2019 and I acquired an SDS 200, which obviously does far more than I could ever ask from a scanner, although it’s nice having the additional capabilities, should I ever decide to delve further into this awesome hobby. Reality being what it is, I’m a bit floored at the learning curve that’s required in order to interface with this device, as well as to comprehend how P25 trunking systems work but this is indeed the future and there’s no turning back. I live in the Northeastern Ohio area in one of the surrounding east side suburbs of Cleveland and was wondering if there are any scanner clubs or groups in my area that I might be able to get involved with? I’m apartment bound and “throwing the switch” is just not conducive to maintaining a decent relationship with my neighbors every time they sit in front of their flatscreen televisions or listening to their stereos. Scanners as we all know are a different story all together and unless or until the dreaded “E word” changes everything, I hope to be enjoying this pastime for as long as I possibly can. Thank you for your patience in reading this rather lengthy missive and I hope everyone has a great day today! By the way, I‘m using a Hustler discone antenna mounted off a chimney which is about 50 feet off the ground and feeding it with just over a hundred feet of RG7 coaxial cable that had a rather lengthy distance to get into my ground floor apartment. Dan