New to SWL


Nov 25, 2024
United Kingdom
Hi I am new to this group. I am interested in short wave and mw listening. Just bought a new receiver and I have been trying it it this weekend on the short wave bands. I picked up the English broadcast of Voice of Korea on 12015 KHz at 1500 UTC a very strong signal other stations I have logged so far are CGTN radio on various frequencies also very strong I have also logged Radio Thailand, Voice of Vietnam and Radio Romania International.


Feb 9, 2006
central AZ
Welcome to the hobby, and It sounds like you're interested in hearing stations far away. I'm 75 years old and started listening to shortwave and medium wave when I was in my early teens. Still at it.

Although there is a noticeable decrease in the number of SW broadcast stations from what I used to tune in, there are still many out there. But SWL is not just broadcast stations. You can also tune in aircraft that use SW when they're out of range of the normal aircraft frequencies, such as flying over the pond. Although very limited now, there are still some military comms that use SW. And of course, there are Ham operators all over the band, all over the world. MW is also fun. Distant stations come in mostly at night.

There are a number of forums on RR that deal with SWL, Hams, MW, and SW equipment. Check those out for better info.

Enjoy your new hobby.

<>< Mike


Nov 25, 2024
United Kingdom
Welcome, shortwave listening is such an interesting hobby, good luck in your searching of the bands.
Thanks I posted this on another forum.
I started my short wave hobby when I was in my early teens, I am 60 now ! used to listen to Radio Moscow and Radio Sweden on MW. I saved up and bought a Russian Vega Selena 215 receiver. Started listening to the same stations that i listened to on MW plus many other European stations and also Radio Beijing. Eventually when I started working I could afford a better receiver and I purchased a Roberts RC828 with a cassette recorder so I could record my findings and then the whole world of short wave opened up. I was picking up far away stations such as Radio Australia, Radio New Zealand, Radio Pyongyang, Radio Japan, Voice of Free China, Voice of Vietnam, Radio Thailand, Radio RSA from South Africa as well as Radio Beijing which became CRI, also Radio Bras from Brazil, RAE from Argentina as well as Radio Havana, VOA, Radio Canada International and of course all the European stations that were near my UK base.