TwoToneDetect New TwoToneDetect in the works - Python based


Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
Turned out to be an issue with the radio, not the program or even my computer for once. I have mysterious static zones in my office I wasn't aware of, and it was in one of those. So it didn't trigger the program.

On a different system, a Raspberry Pi I'm trying to get to work, I've got it up and running, and it recognized the tones. But it didn't send the page. I found this section in the Log, and was wondering if the FileNotFoundError could be the problem, and if so how I fix it.

I'm not sure if it matters, but TTD is installed in /home/pi/TTD and in it's audio folder there IS the expected audio file.

Are there mp3 files in the /audio folder? If there are mp3 files but not AMR files, it's an issue with ffmpeg. Newer versions of ffmpeg have removed support for AMR, so it needs to be built from source with AMR support included. Steps for doing that are in the TTD setup guide PDF:

cd ~
git clone git:// ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg;
sudo apt-get install libopencore-amrnb-dev
sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev
sudo apt-get install libfdk-aac-dev
sudo apt-get install libass-dev
sudo apt-get install libopus-dev
sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev
./configure --pkg-config-flags=--static --bindir=/home/pi/bin --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-nonfree --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-version3 --enable-libopus
sudo make install

Finally install some required audio codecs:

sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra58


Sep 15, 2017
Are there mp3 files in the /audio folder? If there are mp3 files but not AMR files, it's an issue with ffmpeg. Newer versions of ffmpeg have removed support for AMR, so it needs to be built from source with AMR support included. Steps for doing that are in the TTD setup guide PDF:

Thank you! I didn't even notice they were MP3's vs the AMR's. They are indeed though, and I appreciate your reply. It's been vexing me so not understanding why it's getting the tones and recording but never sending. One step closer to having all this stuff transferred over to the Pi.


Sep 15, 2017
Are there mp3 files in the /audio folder? If there are mp3 files but not AMR files, it's an issue with ffmpeg. Newer versions of ffmpeg have removed support for AMR, so it needs to be built from source with AMR support included. Steps for doing that are in the TTD setup guide PDF:

I ran the commands you gave twice, and both times I got an error. I didn't pay enough attention the first time, hoping it would work anyways, but it didin't. So I re-ran everything, and got the below response. I'm not sure what all is important, so I've just pasted some in this message, and the rest in the next due to a post length error message I received.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone git:// ffmpeg
fatal: destination path 'ffmpeg' already exists and is not an empty directory.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd ffmpeg;
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get install libopencore-amrnb-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libopencore-amrnb-dev is already the newest version (0.1.3-2.1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libmp3lame-dev is already the newest version (3.100-2+b1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get install libfdk-aac-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libfdk-aac-dev
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get install libass-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libass-dev is already the newest version (1:0.14.0-2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get install libopus-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libopus-dev is already the newest version (1.3-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libpulse-dev is already the newest version (12.2-4+deb10u1+rpi3).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ ./configure --pkg-config-flags=--static --bindir=/home/pi/bin --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-nonfree --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-version3 --enable-libopus
install prefix            /usr/local
source path               .
C compiler                gcc
C library                 glibc
ARCH                      arm (armv6)
big-endian                no
runtime cpu detection     yes
ARMv5TE enabled           yes
ARMv6 enabled             yes
ARMv6T2 enabled           yes
VFP enabled               yes
NEON enabled              yes
THUMB enabled             no
debug symbols             yes
strip symbols             yes
optimize for size         no
optimizations             yes
static                    yes
shared                    no
postprocessing support    yes
network support           yes
threading support         pthreads
safe bitstream reader     yes
texi2html enabled         no
perl enabled              yes
pod2man enabled           yes
makeinfo enabled          no
makeinfo supports HTML    no

External libraries:
iconv                   libass                  libmp3lame              libopencore_amrnb       libopus                 zlib

External libraries providing hardware acceleration:

avcodec                 avfilter                avutil                  swresample
avdevice                avformat                postproc                swscale

ffmpeg                  ffprobe

Enabled decoders:
aac                     atrac3p                 fits                    mp2float                pcx                     tiertexseqvideo
aac_fixed               atrac3pal               flac                    mp3                     pfm                     tiff
aac_latm                atrac9                  flashsv                 mp3adu                  pgm                     tmv
aasc                    aura                    flashsv2                mp3adufloat             pgmyuv                  truehd
ac3                     aura2                   flic                    mp3float                pgssub                  truemotion1
ac3_fixed               av1                     flv                     mp3on4                  pgx                     truemotion2
acelp_kelvin            avrn                    fmvc                    mp3on4float             photocd                 truemotion2rt
adpcm_4xm               avrp                    fourxm                  mpc7                    pictor                  truespeech
adpcm_adx               avs                     fraps                   mpc8                    pixlet                  tscc
adpcm_afc               avui                    frwu                    mpeg1_v4l2m2m           pjs                     tscc2
adpcm_agm               ayuv                    g2m                     mpeg1video              png                     tta
adpcm_aica              bethsoftvid             g723_1                  mpeg2_v4l2m2m           ppm                     twinvq
adpcm_argo              bfi                     g729                    mpeg2video              prores                  txd
adpcm_ct                bink                    gdv                     mpeg4                   prosumer                ulti
adpcm_dtk               binkaudio_dct           gif                     mpeg4_v4l2m2m           psd                     utvideo
adpcm_ea                binkaudio_rdft          gremlin_dpcm            mpegvideo               ptx                     v210
adpcm_ea_maxis_xa       bintext                 gsm                     mpl2                    qcelp                   v210x
adpcm_ea_r1             bitpacked               gsm_ms                  msa1                    qdm2                    v308
adpcm_ea_r2             bmp                     h261                    mscc                    qdmc                    v408
adpcm_ea_r3             bmv_audio               h263                    msmpeg4v1               qdraw                   v410
adpcm_ea_xas            bmv_video               h263_v4l2m2m            msmpeg4v2               qpeg                    vb
adpcm_g722              brender_pix             h263i                   msmpeg4v3               qtrle                   vble
adpcm_g726              c93                     h263p                   msp2                    r10k                    vc1
adpcm_g726le            cavs                    h264                    msrle                   r210                    vc1_v4l2m2m
adpcm_ima_acorn         ccaption                h264_v4l2m2m            mss1                    ra_144                  vc1image
adpcm_ima_alp           cdgraphics              hap                     mss2                    ra_288                  vcr1
adpcm_ima_amv           cdtoons                 hca                     msvideo1                ralf                    vmdaudio
adpcm_ima_apc           cdxl                    hcom                    mszh                    rasc                    vmdvideo
adpcm_ima_apm           cfhd                    hevc                    mts2                    rawvideo                vmnc
adpcm_ima_cunning       cinepak                 hevc_v4l2m2m            mv30                    realtext                vorbis
adpcm_ima_dat4          clearvideo              hnm4_video              mvc1                    rl2                     vp3
adpcm_ima_dk3           cljr                    hq_hqa                  mvc2                    roq                     vp4
adpcm_ima_dk4           cllc                    hqx                     mvdv                    roq_dpcm                vp5
adpcm_ima_ea_eacs       comfortnoise            huffyuv                 mvha                    rpza                    vp6
adpcm_ima_ea_sead       cook                    hymt                    mwsc                    rscc                    vp6a
adpcm_ima_iss           cpia                    iac                     mxpeg                   rv10                    vp6f
adpcm_ima_moflex        cri                     idcin                   nellymoser              rv20                    vp7
adpcm_ima_mtf           cscd                    idf                     notchlc                 rv30                    vp8
adpcm_ima_oki           cyuv                    iff_ilbm                nuv                     rv40                    vp8_v4l2m2m
adpcm_ima_qt            dca                     ilbc                    on2avc                  s302m                   vp9
adpcm_ima_rad           dds                     imc                     opus                    sami                    vp9_v4l2m2m
adpcm_ima_smjpeg        derf_dpcm               imm4                    paf_audio               sanm                    vplayer
adpcm_ima_ssi           dfa                     imm5                    paf_video               sbc                     vqa
adpcm_ima_wav           dirac                   indeo2                  pam                     scpr                    wavpack
adpcm_ima_ws            dnxhd                   indeo3                  pbm                     screenpresso            wcmv
adpcm_ms                dolby_e                 indeo4                  pcm_alaw                sdx2_dpcm               webp
adpcm_mtaf              dpx                     indeo5                  pcm_bluray              sga                     webvtt
adpcm_psx               dsd_lsbf                interplay_acm           pcm_dvd                 sgi                     wmalossless
adpcm_sbpro_2           dsd_lsbf_planar         interplay_dpcm          pcm_f16le               sgirle                  wmapro
adpcm_sbpro_3           dsd_msbf                interplay_video         pcm_f24le               sheervideo              wmav1
adpcm_sbpro_4           dsd_msbf_planar         ipu                     pcm_f32be               shorten                 wmav2
adpcm_swf               dsicinaudio             jacosub                 pcm_f32le               simbiosis_imx           wmavoice
adpcm_thp               dsicinvideo             jpeg2000                pcm_f64be               sipr                    wmv1
adpcm_thp_le            dss_sp                  jpegls                  pcm_f64le               siren                   wmv2
adpcm_vima              dst                     jv                      pcm_lxf                 smackaud                wmv3
adpcm_xa                dvaudio                 kgv1                    pcm_mulaw               smacker                 wmv3image
adpcm_yamaha            dvbsub                  kmvc                    pcm_s16be               smc                     wnv1
adpcm_zork              dvdsub                  lagarith                pcm_s16be_planar        smvjpeg                 wrapped_avframe
agm                     dvvideo                 libopencore_amrnb       pcm_s16le               snow                    ws_snd1
aic                     dxa                     libopus                 pcm_s16le_planar        sol_dpcm                xan_dpcm
alac                    dxtory                  loco                    pcm_s24be               sonic                   xan_wc3
alias_pix               dxv                     lscr                    pcm_s24daud             sp5x                    xan_wc4
als                     eac3                    m101                    pcm_s24le               speedhq                 xbin
amrnb                   eacmv                   mace3                   pcm_s24le_planar        srgc                    xbm
amrwb                   eamad                   mace6                   pcm_s32be               srt                     xface
amv                     eatgq                   magicyuv                pcm_s32le               ssa                     xl
anm                     eatgv                   mdec                    pcm_s32le_planar        stl                     xma1
ansi                    eatqi                   metasound               pcm_s64be               subrip                  xma2
ape                     eightbps                microdvd                pcm_s64le               subviewer               xpm
apng                    eightsvx_exp            mimic                   pcm_s8                  subviewer1              xsub
aptx                    eightsvx_fib            mjpeg                   pcm_s8_planar           sunrast                 xwd
aptx_hd                 escape124               mjpegb                  pcm_sga                 svq1                    y41p
arbc                    escape130               mlp                     pcm_u16be               svq3                    ylc
argo                    evrc                    mmvideo                 pcm_u16le               tak                     yop
ass                     exr                     mobiclip                pcm_u24be               targa                   yuv4
asv1                    fastaudio               motionpixels            pcm_u24le               targa_y216              zero12v
asv2                    ffv1                    movtext                 pcm_u32be               tdsc                    zerocodec
atrac1                  ffvhuff                 mp1                     pcm_u32le               text                    zlib
atrac3                  ffwavesynth             mp1float                pcm_u8                  theora                  zmbv
atrac3al                fic                     mp2                     pcm_vidc                thp


Sep 15, 2017
Second half of message from instructions. Still got a length error with the post, so cut out the encoders, muxers and some other stuff. If needed, I'll post it too, but already feel bad doing 2 posts for this.

Enabled indevs:
fbdev                   lavfi                   oss                     v4l2

Enabled outdevs:
fbdev                   oss                     v4l2

License: nonfree and unredistributable
config.h is unchanged
libavutil/avconfig.h is unchanged
libavfilter/filter_list.c is unchanged
libavcodec/codec_list.c is unchanged
libavcodec/parser_list.c is unchanged
libavcodec/bsf_list.c is unchanged
libavformat/demuxer_list.c is unchanged
libavformat/muxer_list.c is unchanged
libavdevice/indev_list.c is unchanged
libavdevice/outdev_list.c is unchanged
libavformat/protocol_list.c is unchanged
ffbuild/ is unchanged
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ make
POD    doc/ffmpeg.pod
POD    doc/ffprobe.pod
POD    doc/ffmpeg-all.pod
POD    doc/ffprobe-all.pod
MAN    doc/ffmpeg.1
MAN    doc/ffprobe.1
MAN    doc/ffmpeg-all.1
MAN    doc/ffprobe-all.1
LD    ffmpeg_g
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_init':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:519: undefined reference to `__atomic_store_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_write_trailer':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:624: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:631: undefined reference to `__atomic_store_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_thread_write_packet':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:188: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_sub_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_consumer_thread':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:457: undefined reference to `__atomic_load_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_write_packet':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:597: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:123: ffmpeg_g] Error 1
pi@raspberrypi:~/ffmpeg $ sudo make install
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg.1
INSTALL    doc/ffprobe.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-all.1
INSTALL    doc/ffprobe-all.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-utils.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-scaler.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-resampler.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-codecs.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-bitstream-filters.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-formats.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-protocols.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-devices.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-filters.1
INSTALL    doc/libavutil.3
INSTALL    doc/libswscale.3
INSTALL    doc/libswresample.3
INSTALL    doc/libavcodec.3
INSTALL    doc/libavformat.3
INSTALL    doc/libavdevice.3
INSTALL    doc/libavfilter.3
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg.1
INSTALL    doc/ffprobe.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-all.1
INSTALL    doc/ffprobe-all.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-utils.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-scaler.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-resampler.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-codecs.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-bitstream-filters.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-formats.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-protocols.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-devices.1
INSTALL    doc/ffmpeg-filters.1
INSTALL    doc/libavutil.3
INSTALL    doc/libswscale.3
INSTALL    doc/libswresample.3
INSTALL    doc/libavcodec.3
INSTALL    doc/libavformat.3
INSTALL    doc/libavdevice.3
INSTALL    doc/libavfilter.3
LD    ffmpeg_g
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_init':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:519: undefined reference to `__atomic_store_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_write_trailer':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:624: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:631: undefined reference to `__atomic_store_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_thread_write_packet':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:188: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_sub_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_consumer_thread':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:457: undefined reference to `__atomic_load_8'
/usr/bin/ld: libavformat/libavformat.a(fifo.o): in function `fifo_write_packet':
/home/pi/ffmpeg/libavformat/fifo.c:597: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:123: ffmpeg_g] Error 1


Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
Is there anything special that needs to be done in the config file to use SFTP or is at as simple as change the port from 21 to 22? Any changes to the server or username format?
Nothing on the TTD side should need to change except the port number. However, if your server/host uses different login info for SFTP vs. FTP then you may need to make those changes to accommodate.



Mar 12, 2013
Harmony, NJ
Nothing on the TTD side should need to change except the port number. However, if your server/host uses different login info for SFTP vs. FTP then you may need to make those changes to accommodate.


I'm getting the following error when trying to use SFTP...I understand what is going on, just need help on where to store the key.

Unhandled exception in thread started by <function uploadSFTP at 0xb175b030>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1269, in uploadSFTP
File "pysftp/", line 64, in __init__
pysftp.exceptions.HostKeysException: No Host Keys Found


Oct 8, 2015
Nothing on the TTD side should need to change except the port number. However, if your server/host uses different login info for SFTP vs. FTP then you may need to make those changes to accommodate.


Thanks, I was hoping that was the case. I moved my hosting over to Dream Host, which is pretty cost effective and good CS, but there have been some bumps.

Simply changing the port number did not work for me. I tried adding the prefix sftp:// to my upload_ftp_server variable. Also, tried my full for my username and cannot get this to upload. I don't see anything in log or debug that helps me narrow down what is happening -- no reference to FTP or SFTP at all so it seems like it isn't even getting into that process, which is odd as it worked on my previous host and I just updated the serer and credentials. Also, I have been using upload_ftp_remote_path, how does this differ from upload_file_prefix?

Another snag is I cannot get my remote tones to download. Same file, just moved to a new web server. I can download the file though the browser, but TTD will not download it. URL has an SSL cert so I tried both HTTP and HTTPS in my remote URL, no luck. If I move the same file to another web server and put in the test URL it downloads fine so this seems like Dream Host may be blocking something so they are looking into it.

Any suggestions on the SFTP or remote tones file download would be appreciated!

Last edited:


Oct 8, 2015
I failed to recognize when I was reading the forum that I was looking at the release notes for 73h and I was running on the prior 73g o_O. I will get that downloaded and installed and probably would have much better luck with SFTP...

On the issue with my remote tones not downloading after the web host changeover. Support had me increase the file size upload limit in my hosting phprc file... this should not involve any PHP, but after I did this I was able to fetch my remote tones again. Not sure if that was the fix or they did something in the background. In any case I am up and running.

upload_max_filesize = 600M
post_max_size = 650M
max_execution_time = 500
max_input_time = 500

Happy Memorial Day


Oct 8, 2015
Sorry for the trail of posts. Getting setup with 73h and noticing some inconsistent behavior with the config.cfg file. It looks like there has been some sort of password hashing setup when you edit the config file using the TTD application. I typically just edit the text file so here is what I noticed if someone else has similar issues.

Email password only works if it is placed in plain text in the config file. Oppositely, FTP password only works if it is entered into the 73h editor and hashed, otherwise it gets deleted.

Email Password
If you put the plain text password for email in the config file manually:
Everything works as expected. (plain text password logs in, isn't hashed, and isn't deleted on save/exit)

If you update the password for email using the 73h editor, it gets hashed in the config.cfg, but doesn't work when a page is detected: smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.0 Incorrect username or password.')

Email passwords only appear to work (for me) if I edit the config file manually and are unaffected by other changes to the config file using the editor.

FTP Password (SFTP)
If you put the plain text password for FTP in the config file manually:
Files are not uploaded
Password gets deleted from the config file upon exiting TTD or saving config using the editor in TTD (where the email password is left alone).

If you update the password for FTP using the 73h editor, it gets hashed in the config.cfg, and uploads the audio ftp. It is not deleted with save/exit.

Testing was done in TwoToneDetect73h_debug.exe so I could see the FTP attempts.


Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
Sorry for the trail of posts. Getting setup with 73h and noticing some inconsistent behavior with the config.cfg file. It looks like there has been some sort of password hashing setup when you edit the config file using the TTD application. I typically just edit the text file so here is what I noticed if someone else has similar issues.

Email password only works if it is placed in plain text in the config file. Oppositely, FTP password only works if it is entered into the 73h editor and hashed, otherwise it gets deleted.

Email Password
If you put the plain text password for email in the config file manually:
Everything works as expected. (plain text password logs in, isn't hashed, and isn't deleted on save/exit)

If you update the password for email using the 73h editor, it gets hashed in the config.cfg, but doesn't work when a page is detected: smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.0 Incorrect username or password.')

Email passwords only appear to work (for me) if I edit the config file manually and are unaffected by other changes to the config file using the editor.

FTP Password (SFTP)
If you put the plain text password for FTP in the config file manually:
Files are not uploaded
Password gets deleted from the config file upon exiting TTD or saving config using the editor in TTD (where the email password is left alone).

If you update the password for FTP using the 73h editor, it gets hashed in the config.cfg, and uploads the audio ftp. It is not deleted with save/exit.

Testing was done in TwoToneDetect73h_debug.exe so I could see the FTP attempts.
This sounds like it may be a bug. I'm out of town for the weekend, will look into it next week.



Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
This sounds like it may be a bug. I'm out of town for the weekend, will look into it next week.

Quick check of the code shows that 73h should still be looking for a base64 encoded email password in the config.cfg file. I'll need to dig deeper if the behavior you're describing holds true...won't be able to test until I get home.



PE/NB Database Guy
Database Admin
Feb 11, 2008
So I'm not sure because I haven't tried it.... but it is possible to have audio sent to both IaR and also to text/email addresses?

We have some members who do not want to install/use the IaR app but would like audio alerts by text if possible, something IaR currently does not support.


Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
So I'm not sure because I haven't tried it.... but it is possible to have audio sent to both IaR and also to text/email addresses?

We have some members who do not want to install/use the IaR app but would like audio alerts by text if possible, something IaR currently does not support.

TTD will still send emails to addresses in the tones.cfg file. However there are some big caveats:
  • The tones.cfg file would need to be edited manually (GUI for editing is disabled when IaR is used)
  • Since TTD periodically pulls tones.cfg info from IaR, the tones.cfg file will periodically get overwritten, wiping out the manual edits mentioned above. So you'd need a script to update the tones.cfg file with your email info each time it gets pulled from IaR
So technically it's possible with some work, but probably easier for most people to just run two instances.



Oct 8, 2015
Quick check of the code shows that 73h should still be looking for a base64 encoded email password in the config.cfg file. I'll need to dig deeper if the behavior you're describing holds true...won't be able to test until I get home.


Andy, where you able to reproduce this behavior?


Feed Provider
Sep 6, 2006
Texarkana, Arkansas
TTD will still send emails to addresses in the tones.cfg file. However there are some big caveats:
  • The tones.cfg file would need to be edited manually (GUI for editing is disabled when IaR is used)
  • Since TTD periodically pulls tones.cfg info from IaR, the tones.cfg file will periodically get overwritten, wiping out the manual edits mentioned above. So you'd need a script to update the tones.cfg file with your email info each time it gets pulled from IaR
So technically it's possible with some work, but probably easier for most people to just run two instances.


To keep IaR TTD from overwriting your tones.cfg files you can use the following
For Windows, right click on tones.cfg
properties -> security -> advanced -> disable inheritance -> remove all inheritance
Add -> select prinicpal -> everyone -> OK -> deny -> clear all (right hand side) -> (checkmark) write -> OK
Add -> select prinicpal -> everyone -> OK -> allow (adds read/execute permissions) -> OK 
-> Apply -> Yes -> OK -> OK

I don't think IaR has a Linux version, but if it does use "chattr +i tones.cfg".

To be able to edit tones.cfg you will have to do the following, but never fear if you forget to and you are using notepad (or notepad++) as the program will ask for a different filename and you won't lose all your changes. You will have to copy and paste into the original file tho.

right click on tones.cfg -> properties -> security -> edit -> uncheck write -> Apply -> OK -> OK.

edit your tones.cfg.

set back to deny IaR TTD downloading and overwriting your file.

right click on tones.cfg -> properties -> security -> edit -> (checkmark) write (under the deny column) -> Apply -> Yes -> OK -> OK


Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
Andy, where you able to reproduce this behavior?
No, it's behaving as I would have expected. A base64 encoded email password is required in config.cfg.

I haven't had a chance to check FTP again but during previous SFTP testing it was also working as expected.



Feed Provider
Aug 27, 2005
To keep IaR TTD from overwriting your tones.cfg files you can use the following
For Windows, right click on tones.cfg
properties -> security -> advanced -> disable inheritance -> remove all inheritance
Add -> select prinicpal -> everyone -> OK -> deny -> clear all (right hand side) -> (checkmark) write -> OK
Add -> select prinicpal -> everyone -> OK -> allow (adds read/execute permissions) -> OK
-> Apply -> Yes -> OK -> OK

I don't think IaR has a Linux version, but if it does use "chattr +i tones.cfg".

To be able to edit tones.cfg you will have to do the following, but never fear if you forget to and you are using notepad (or notepad++) as the program will ask for a different filename and you won't lose all your changes. You will have to copy and paste into the original file tho.

right click on tones.cfg -> properties -> security -> edit -> uncheck write -> Apply -> OK -> OK.

edit your tones.cfg.

set back to deny IaR TTD downloading and overwriting your file.

right click on tones.cfg -> properties -> security -> edit -> (checkmark) write (under the deny column) -> Apply -> Yes -> OK -> OK
I know that you understand this jhsands, but just to be clear for others - doing this will mean that any changes you make to your tones via the IaR web interface won't get propagated to TTD. And if you do later unprotect the files to allow IaR changes to propagate it will wipe our your manual tones.cfg edits. So make sure you really understand what you're doing if you go this route.



Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2005
Lombard, IL
I'm running TTD on a Pi 4, feeding audio with a scanner. The version is 73f, from the image for pi's that is provided. I'm getting emails that a page has been received but when I go to listen to the mp3 file there is no audio there. I'm also streaming the audio to Broadcastify and I can hear the audio on the scanner feed but nothing is coming through on the mp3 recording. Anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong. I see that the program is hearing the audio coming from the scanner.


Feed Provider
Feb 19, 2011
Can you post the section of your logfile that shows the tone being decoded through the point where it sends the email?