I live in Austin Texas and I am looking to get a scanner for my car . What do y'all suggest ? I have searched the forums and I know I need something with trunking capability . Also Austin has T 25 I think ? Anyway I am looking for something that is good all around because I drive all over the state .
Go ahead and bite the bullet and buy the Uniden Bearcat BCD536HP as a mobile unit. You can also use
that as a base station at home. It is a bit pricey but it will monitor just about everything. It receives
a lot more than just police, fire, and ambulance. It does trunking and will monitor P25 digital.
An alternative unit would be the Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP, which is the portable handheld
version of the 536HP. They both do essentially the same thing.
Both units are pricey but do work really well. If you are a serious "scanner enthusiast"
you will not regret your choice. For more information you can look at these links.
Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP Digital Police Scanner
Uniden Bearcat BCD536HP Digital Police Scanner
teknishun@aol.com KF5OPQ