I went this route too when I could not get enough copies through emergency response drills. amazon order on 7 October 2023, yielded hard copies at my door on 10 October 2023. But, not spiral bound and thin paper, but still very useful and able to be marked up, tabbed, and put into a cargo pants pocket, what was needed for myself and many others. This was for the March 2022 2.01 edition.I gave up waiting for hard copies of NIFOG 2.0 to be available and ordered a print-on-demand copy for $14.95 from here. It's not ringbound or printed on Tyvek, but it's a decent value. Amazon.com: National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG): Version 2.0 - Auguat 2021: 9798817189339: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: Books