I understand that Northstar is now dispatched on th njsp aviation frequencie does anyone know what frequency or frequencies that is any info would be appreciated.
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non medical. Not nit picking here, just making the correction......none medical......
Don't forget ID 35920 for none medical NJSP aviation.
Danny's right. Both of the state birds are called out over their talkgroups on the state trunk system. Both of those talkgroups can be heard across all the systems simultaneously.
I ended up changing the alpha tags on my scanner to 'MedEvac North' & 'MedEvac South' when the 2 or 3 private helos from the large hospital corporations were allowed access to the system as well...
the helicopters also use a frequency 154.265 with a pl tone code of 127.3 this is just a conventional channel nothing digital or trunked to do with it they call this channel F-6 they use it here in burlington county nj i dont know if they use it anyplace else in the state but they do here in burlington county Danny...
154.265 is the South Jersey Fire Net, it is used for landing zone coordination between the medevacs and ground personnel in Burlington and Ocean Counties. May also be used for m/a.