No Way to View Patched/Multi-group TX?

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2020
West Central Florida
With the recent events, Ive found dozens of new talk groups and Ive also realized that when a talk group is added to your DB, you can no longer see when someone is transmitting to multiple TGs (patched? not sure of the correct word for it)

For example - an unknown TG will show up and show the main TG, for example, 2000, and then another TG that is also part of the "call" for example, 2020, as:

P25 System xxx
2000 2020

Once group 2000 is added to your TG list, you can no longer see which groups are being "patched" or included in the call.
Is there any way to see this? Just to test it, I removed a busy TG and saw that different TGs were routinely added to the call, but once back in the list, they no longer showed.
I imagine most people dont even know that this is happening since they cant see it, but it would be really insightful to be able to see it to see which TGs are linked, work together, etc. It would be especially helpful for identifying unknown TGs.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
I believe you might be in TG Search instead of TG ID. Check that. It would mean you are seeing all TG’s on a system. If it’s in TG ID, it will pick up the first TG you have programmed and stay with that TG until scanning resumes. While in the TG search mode any TG that comes up is on that system. Talkgroups are not “ganged”, at least I’ve not seen this. If a particular unit needs to use that TG, it is programmed into the radio. There may be a need for a unit on one TG to talk to another TG (Ex: police and fire depts on the same trunked system routinely have a need to communicate with each other) but the common practice is to create another TG and label it “cross patch to FD or PD”, or something similar.


Active Member
Mar 11, 2020
West Central Florida
There may be a need for a unit on one TG to talk to another TG (Ex: police and fire depts on the same trunked system routinely have a need to communicate with each other) but the common practice is to create another TG and label it “cross patch to FD or PD”, or something similar. .
Yes, I am in ID search, I personally hate ID scan as it misses too much for me and I almost never use it. But I dont think that has much to do with this - what I mean is what you mention in the end - these are not so commonly used talk groups which are related to protests, so there is no "cross patch etc" (in this case), and what theyre doing is adding additional talkgroups to the "calls" instead (like you said, "ganging" would be a way to describe it).
The thing is though, even if I have both talkgroups saved, it still will only show the talk group on the left (the main one I guess), rather than all TGs that are being broadcasted. If I delete the TG from my TG list (so that it comes up as unknown), it will again show, but once I "name" that TG, and add it back, its gone

I will try to snap a pic when it happens, but it will probably be hard to catch
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