OK, no, the ISS uses slow-scan TV modes to send their photos. That's a different mode altogether.
The closest WEFAX transmitter to you would be Pt. Reyes, north of San Francisco. Their carrier frequencies are 4344.1, 8680.1, 12784.1, 17149.3, and 22525.1 kHz. The best frequency for you would probably be 4344.1 kHz, but it's only active from 01:40 to 16:08 UTC. WEFAX broadcasts from Pt. Reyes begin at 01:40, 06:55, 11:20, 14:00, 18:40, and 23:20 UTC.
fldigi is a digital mode program for the computer, it's available for Windows and Linux, I'm not sure about Macs. You feed the received audio from the radio, into the computer's line in or microphone, and fldigi does the conversion from audio to pictures.
Even a small shortwave receiver can be used for WEFAX reception, as long as it has single sideband option.