Nooelec AM / FM bandstop filters

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Active Member
May 28, 2009
Just received a pair of individual AM BCB and FM BCB bandstop filters. The come in the "Distill" bare bones and "Flamingo" fully encased models. I got the encased models.

Yep - they work. At first I though the AM filter wasn't working when it turned out to be a bad sma coupler I had in my junk box with a recessed pin.

Since they pass dc, they are easy to ohm-out with a multimeter to make sure you aren't having the same issue.

They are pretty small, and should fit into some gear I have. The chassis-mount nuts on them were only finger tight, but that's cool. A small amount of tightening fixed that. I suppose that's a lot better than having them manhandled, cranked tight, and breaking solder connections internally.

Sure, for critical use, I'll stick to my PAR filters, but those are hard to put inside some of my gear. :)

I'm sure there are totally measurable differences between a $15 filter and a $100 filter, but for the application I'm using them for - they seem reasonable enough. The 3db rolloff is from 350k to 1.9mhz, so that means the upper VLF and the lower end of 160 meters may be attenuated a bit.

The FM bandstop filter seems to be working, although I really don't have a big problem there. The listed 3db rolloff is rated from 80 to 115 mhz, so I should be safe. I can't detect any *major* insertion loss from it by ear.

I'll be doublechecking my sma connections regularly for sure if there are any problems.
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