Contrary to what's in the DB here, the Norman site advertises the following freqs:
855.21250 D
856.96250 X
857.76250 X
857.96250 X
858.76250 X
858.96250 X
866.31250 D
868.27500 D
868.90000 D
The bolded channels are the control channels. From watching UniTrunker, I can tell you that:
If you have an XT scanner and haven't played with UniTrunker lately, you might be surprised to find that you can decode the control channel stream without a discriminator output.
855.21250 D
856.96250 X
857.76250 X
857.96250 X
858.76250 X
858.96250 X
866.31250 D
868.27500 D
868.90000 D
The bolded channels are the control channels. From watching UniTrunker, I can tell you that:
- the control channel rarely moves from 860.96250
- the control channels rarely have voice on them but do when the system is busy (think gameday)
- 90% of the traffic is on the 5 channels marked with X - if you don't have a trunking scanner, put these in and you'll get 90% of traffic.
- channels marked with D seem to be restricted to P25 tho' it may be that this just happens to be where P25 traffic lands and not a restriction per se.
If you have an XT scanner and haven't played with UniTrunker lately, you might be surprised to find that you can decode the control channel stream without a discriminator output.