Hi again, I was just wondering if anyone knows the freq's. that North Colorado Med Evac is going to use and what freq. will they get paged out on?
I still get Ft. Lupton PD on the 800's I thought they were going to 700"s.
On the DTRS sites when I click on different towers now there is a map that comes up and has a blue circle around it. Does that mean that is how far we can pick them up on our scanners? I see it says at the top most of them is a 50 mile range, is this correct? So I live in the Loveland area and if Loveland falls within that blue circle I should be able to hit them?
I want to thank everyone that has helped me answer all my questions I have asked on the forum. I would be lost without RR....Am still trying to figure out pro96com and what it all does........Thank you again.... (;-)
I still get Ft. Lupton PD on the 800's I thought they were going to 700"s.
On the DTRS sites when I click on different towers now there is a map that comes up and has a blue circle around it. Does that mean that is how far we can pick them up on our scanners? I see it says at the top most of them is a 50 mile range, is this correct? So I live in the Loveland area and if Loveland falls within that blue circle I should be able to hit them?
I want to thank everyone that has helped me answer all my questions I have asked on the forum. I would be lost without RR....Am still trying to figure out pro96com and what it all does........Thank you again.... (;-)