SDS100/SDS200: Not Scanning Favorites List? (SDS100)


Premium Subscriber
Nov 12, 2022

This may be extremely hard to understand, but I'm having an issue regarding where my scanner (SDS100) not picking up certain channels I have put on my favorites list. More specifically it is completely skipping it, even when I set it to those specific lists only it says there is nothing to scan. The only way I actually know how to make it work is by turning on the "Full Database" option, which then scans that department entirely fine.

I've tried everything even by setting the "ID Search" to ON on the Sentinel Software. It does pick it up the frequency, but my issue is trying to figure out how to add to my favorites such as when it comes up unknown and shows a TGID number, which I have yet to figure it out.

What I like to be able to do is for instance I have the "Arkansas Game and Fish Commission" on my favorites list, but it will not scan that department. I like to figure out a way where it'll won't skip it, but will scan it and the frequencies (TGID). Quick keys do not work in this situation either, and the service types should be correct. Is there something I am completely missing perhaps?


  • Fav List 2.png
    Fav List 2.png
    33.4 KB · Views: 35
  • Fav List 1.png
    Fav List 1.png
    162.3 KB · Views: 35


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
If talkgroups are coming up unknown, ID Search is on. Download and Monitor must both be On for a favorites list when you Write to Scanner. Download sends the favorites list to the scanner. Monitor enables it to scan.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 12, 2022
If talkgroups are coming up unknown, ID Search is on. Download and Monitor must both be On for a favorites list when you Write to Scanner. Download sends the favorites list to the scanner. Monitor enables it to scan.

Alright. I'll go ahead and turn ID Search back to OFF, and check back on the favorites list in Sentinel to see if I'm still missing something.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
And if certain talkgroups that are programmed are not coming in look at service types and set them to on


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Without seeing the actual Favorites List file(s) it's hard to say. Look at the "Nothing to Scan" section of the manual to give you some ideas of other things to check.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
No sites defined for the trunked system in your screenshot. Just talkfroups.

The talk groups are listed under the statewide AWIN system, but no sites were included.


This may be extremely hard to understand, but I'm having an issue regarding where my scanner (SDS100) not picking up certain channels I have put on my favorites list. More specifically it is completely skipping it, even when I set it to those specific lists only it says there is nothing to scan. The only way I actually know how to make it work is by turning on the "Full Database" option, which then scans that department entirely fine.

I've tried everything even by setting the "ID Search" to ON on the Sentinel Software. It does pick it up the frequency, but my issue is trying to figure out how to add to my favorites such as when it comes up unknown and shows a TGID number, which I have yet to figure it out.

What I like to be able to do is for instance I have the "Arkansas Game and Fish Commission" on my favorites list, but it will not scan that department. I like to figure out a way where it'll won't skip it, but will scan it and the frequencies (TGID). Quick keys do not work in this situation either, and the service types should be correct. Is there something I am completely missing perhaps?
When you activate scanning the full database, the scanner can access sites in the system. If you have location control engaged, as well as your correct location and desired range, then the sites within range will be scanned. The radio would receive any talkgroups matching the service types you’ve selected to be monitored.

When using ID Search, any TGID that is active (not set as Avoid, and not in a Dependent that is avoided) will be received.
ID Scan only allows talkgroups that are programmed (or in the main database with service types that you have selected).
Talkgroups set as Avoid, or entered in a. Department set as Avoid, will be skipped. All other programmed talkgroups will be scanned.