Not seeing much P25 yet..


Mar 19, 2019
Just updated my SDS200 database for the first time in a while. Don't listen to much public safety because I'm both a ham and a retired pilot. So I listen to a lot of civilian and military air bands and tons of VHF/UHF ham. I also updated my firmware for the first time since the waterfall came out. So I noticed there is now a separate database section for UCA P25 and the old UCA too. I live in Utah county I'm not hearing anything on the P25. Is this transition delayed by like years or something? This was supposed to have been already in progress. And I did read some of the Utah threads about it and didn't learn much. Started eliminating lots of transmits sites for both the old and the P25 to speed up scan times to help a little. Doesn't do much good to scan through a transmitter site in Cedar City or something so I get rid of them. If the radio was in my car and drove all over I'd leave them, but this is a house radio. So is someone maintaining and updating a list of P25 departments as they come online or is not much online yet in the whole state?


Member N7VU
Database Admin
Sep 17, 2004
Moab, Utah
We've only seen occasionally testing on the new system so far. The transition is scheduled for later this year.