zguy1243 said:
I am looking for a source of a notch filter to kill 443.675mhz. I need a very low insertion loss, .5db or less would be nice. And F connectors would be nice but hard find I know. I am trying to notch a 800watt erp 440 repeater thats about 2 miles from my house. Any help is appreciated.
RX only, or you need to be able to switch it out for transmitting as well ?
I've been VERY happy with both PAR and TinLee.
They both will do custom work, and TinLee will do F connectors and either 50 or
75 Ohm on custom order.
TinLee built a diplexer for me with N connectors at 50 ohms that I've been very happy with, and another one with F connectors at 75 ohms.