Nothing to scan quick fix

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2007
Tampa Bay Florida
I thought this would never happen to me because I am pretty savvy with these scanners but here is my story. last night I turned my 536hp off unplugged it and moved it to my bedroom from the living room.
Plugged it in turned it on and to my surprise got the dreaded nothing to scan message.
Ok so I went through the checklist...serv types on,fav selected,ect everything seemed in place and correct.
On the display it said nothing to scan the fav lists were all x except for the ones that were enabled which of had numbers.

I hit chan to hold on the channel and was able to scroll through the fav lists no problem.

So I was tired and by now my head hurt so I got up took the scanner to the computer and reloaded my data back into the scanner and of course this fixed everything.

So the question is what button did I hit or what did I do to have this happen

So today I tried to duplicate the problem and figured out that somehow location control must have been turned on and the location zip was a different area than I am in.

So I poked around and couldn't find a reason this happened.
Any Ideas??

I decided that after allot of thinking it was a software glitch.

So if anyone has this happen and your head hurts just redownload your systems into the radio like I did.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
This is a guess and might be in left field. . .

Did the "Writing to SD Card, Please wait" process complete before you disconnected power to the scanner? If you were too quick about disconnecting the power wire, that could be an explanation (but again, this is a guess).

I could see how you may have made some changes to the scanner, but didn't fully commit the changes (via the write to SD card). Thus the SD card was using whatever settings there were at the time of last power-up.
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