I'm sure, or at least hope Floyd's new p25 system will work with the TVRCS system. Amazed to see it's a 10 site system just in one county. $24-million for one county is a big chunk too!
if the TVRCS runs a true P25 (not Astro 25, which is proprietary) core, and ISSI roaming is enabled, shouldn't be a problem.
24 million dollars for a 10 site digital P25 compliant system is a bargain. Compared to some of the counties in metro Atlanta, like Cobb county- who's five site Astro 25 system had an initial cost of 37 million dollars in 2006, not to mention an average yearly cost of 1.5 million in maintenance, Floyd county got a bargain.
We still don't have ISSI roaming, lackluster coverage, and interoperability hasn't changed from the days when we were running analog Smartnet II simulcast systems across the metro Atlanta area, we're all just much poorer. So poor in fact, we are furloughing employees, cutting back public safety response, and cutting services for citizens.
All so we can be "on the cutting edge" with a bunch of fancy crap that doesn't do anything the old version doesn't do. Our county's purchasing of this and other pork barrel items reminds me of the guy standing outside the electronics store as depicted in this video:
YouTube - ‪Sony Releases Stupid Piece Of **** That Doesn't ****ing Work‬‏
I hope Floyd gets what it paid for. From their RFP, it looks like someone at least did their homework.