To kinda reiterate what Tim said, the equipment that goes into this is not free. I don't mind doing it and I will continue to do so until I'm unable to provide reliable service. That being said, I also source 6 feeds from this location from a stack of professional radios into iMic sound adapters. The cabling for them is where the bleedover is coming from and I am currently working on redoing the entire system and relocation it to a much better spot. Overall the upgrade is going to be near $1000 as i am replacing all the radios, building a new rack mount server and welding up a rack mount cage to hold all the gear. Not to mention the antenna mast and coax run I need installed.
So while I don't mind hosting all of this, please keep in mind this comes out of my pocket and hearing a tiny bit of bleedover (which I can't honestly hear even with headphones on this particular feed) is not even an issue to me right now. It will get addressed, but the -90db hiss is barely audible to even someone that knows it's there.
Anyways sorry to rant, but I literally get 2-3 messages a week about a hiss or bleedover that's been there for years so I wanted to clear the air, it's getting fixed eventually but unless you'd like to make a donation towards the new system you will need to give me time to do it