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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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NX-3300 - No Rx Audio on DMR

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RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
OK, so I've been programming up an NX3300 and I'm having issues with the DMR side of things. I have the channels programmed and the TG in there but the radio doesn't open the squelch on receive. I tested it through the the parrot feature of Brandmeister (individual call 9990) and it transmits fine but doesn't 'open up' for the rx (receive lights shows up green but no audio). I had another radio that I know is working next to me and I heard my audio come back on it, just not on the 3300.

What am I doing wrong? I know on the ham radios there is usually a rx list that has to be populated but I'm either not seeing it in D3N or it is there and I'm just not realizing what it is.

I went over the software - screen by screen - last night for an hour and didn't see anything that made me think it was the answer.

It shouldn't matter but for this testing I was going through my Pi-star hotspot at the house but programming DMR is the same for that or through a repeater so as far as I can tell it shouldn't matter but something isn't right. I've programmed many "ham" DMR radios of various brands and even on a 5xxx series and not had any issues but I've not done DMR on a Kenwood 3xxx series until now.

Point me where I need to go...things to check or whatever...and I'll check it this evening when I'm back in front of the programming computer.

Thanks in advance for your time and guidance.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Middle River, MD
Is not Parrott group 9998. Also think it should be programmed as a group call. I have programmmed tbis way on my TYT HTs and Connect Systems mobile and on all receive audio back.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Is not Parrott group 9998. Also think it should be programmed as a group call. I have programmmed tbis way on my TYT HTs and Connect Systems mobile and on all receive audio back.

No, Parrot is 9990 individual/private call. It works fine, just audio doesn't play back through the 3300. As I said, transmitted to Parrot with the 3300 and only heard it on my other radios, not the 3300.

Not really related to my question but here is info about Parrot @hill ( Parrot - BrandMeister )
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
EL98 Florida
Just to make sure, you have Open Voice Mode on or off?
and simples, are you single or dual slot mode?


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Just to make sure, you have Open Voice Mode on or off?
and simples, are you single or dual slot mode?

Will have to check the open voice mode, not sure. I’ll try to find it in the software later today. I do remember that I left the dual slot mode checked but wasn’t sure if I should have.

And just to clarify since talking about parrot may have been confusing - I get the same results in any DMR channel, I just used that as an example channel.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Follow-up on this - not sure why, but turning off the dual mode check box on each seemed to get it to working. All programming was correct except this check box. The help file doesn't sound like it'd be a problem but I guess it was.
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