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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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NXDN and P25

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Dec 23, 2011
Central Kentucky
This may be a dumb question but does anybody know if the NX-220 can decode P25 transmissions? I've got mine set up and successfully scanning NXDN and analog channels locally at the same time, but there are a few P25 systems here too. Can I listen to those also? Or is that impossible with a NXDN radio?


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
If you -really- need to be able to do P25, NXDN and Analog in one radio, wait a few weeks until the IWCE (International Wireless Communications Expo) happens in Vegas. Kenwood may be releasing their multi-mode radio at that time. Since NXDN and P25 both use the AMBE+2 vocoder, the hardware is there, it's just the memory capacity to hold everything.

It won't be cheap though.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Kenwood NX-5000
P25 phase 2, NexEdge/NXDN, Analog all in one radio. It's single band. 700-800MHz will be released first, followed by VHF and then UHF model. Nice looking radio with a nice display. BlueTooth built in, GPS, etc….



Mar 15, 2010
mmckenna- Do you know if these will support trunking on P25 and/or NXDN, or are they conventional only?


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
mmckenna- Do you know if these will support trunking on P25 and/or NXDN, or are they conventional only?

Trunking on both P25 and NXDN.
These won't be released until later this year. I couldn't get my hands on one, yet. They were in a closed case. This radio solves some things for us at work. Looking forward to getting one of these in the near future.


Mar 15, 2010
Trunking on both P25 and NXDN.
These won't be released until later this year. I couldn't get my hands on one, yet. They were in a closed case. This radio solves some things for us at work. Looking forward to getting one of these in the near future.

Very nice. I'll be interested to see the price tag. I have a gut feeling they won't be cheap, either.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
I specifically asked that from my rep, and he didn't have a list price, but he expects it will be similar to the other P25 phase 2 gear. There isn't any licensing associated with NXDN as there is with P25 from DVSI, so it doesn't add to the external costs. It would be smart of Kenwood to keep it this way.

The way I see it, this type of radio makes it possible to save money on these larger common systems. NexEdge trunking can be used for nonpublic safety use, and P25 for public safety.
I have a 5 channel NexEdge trunked system at work, and we have all our "public works" type users on it. Those guys don't need a p25 radio by any stretch of the imagination. Our PD could go with these radios and still have interoperability with the public works folks, if needed (rarely), use analog, and still have P25 for mutual aid. Even if the radio costs a bit more, the amount of money we'd be saving by not having to purchase P25 radios for a bunch of people that don't need them makes financial sense. From what I've heard, this is how Kenwood sees it. Logical cost savings. No reason to force everyone onto the highest common denominator system because of a perceived need for interoperability.
In all my experience, the number of times that a police officer needs to talk to a public works person is slim to none, there are certainly other ways around that.


Mar 15, 2010
I have a 5 channel NexEdge trunked system at work.

Not to get off topic, but i've heard Icom and Kenwood decided to play nice in the sandbox, NXDN trunking are now compatible. I'll be curious to see how Icom reacts to the rollout of this...


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Not to get off topic, but i've heard Icom and Kenwood decided to play nice in the sandbox, NXDN trunking are now compatible. I'll be curious to see how Icom reacts to the rollout of this...

I've heard that too, both brands will have each others trunking modes (C & D) in each others radios. I haven't see anything from either brand, though.
Reducing any proprietary nature in the trunking is probably a good thing for the customers. My system is 800MHz, and until Icom decides to join the 800MHz market, I'll be with Kenwood.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
EL98 Florida
Type C and D NXDN trunking

I have it from Kenwood, AND from ICOM, it will be a firmware controlled deal.
You will not be able to have BOTH C and D, only C (kwd standard) or firmware D (kwd optional)
Same applies for Icom, D Standard, (C firmware upgrade only)


Dec 23, 2010
There isn't any licensing associated with NXDN as there is with P25 from DVSI, so it doesn't add to the external costs. It would be smart of Kenwood to keep it this way.

DVSI Aka. (Digital Voice Systems Inc.) Make the vocoder's AMBE+2 and IMBE.
AMBE+2 is in DMR, NXDN and P25 Phase2.
AMBE+2 is backwards compatable with P25 Phase1 IMBE.

Motorola APX's have AMBE+2 and can do both Phase1 and Phase2 but are still compatible with XTS series radio with IMBE.

It is pretty much safe to say that almost any of the major LMR radio manufacturers are paying DVSI some kind of licensing fee if they are doing anything digital. Even NXDN!

Remember Iridium Sat phone's, DVSI gets some money from them also, who know's who else is paying DVSI.
When it comes to digital voice comms, I would bet DVSI made/making some money on the product.

Kinda of excited to see the Multi-Mode Kenwood come out, kinda curious to see if Moto will have an answer to the radio. DMR and P25 in same radio will see, I doubt it though.
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Jan 5, 2013
Supposidly motorola is trying to compete with kenwoods new radio by releasing some kind of firmware update for the apx series, but its just a rumor. It is very possible thought as P25 phase 2 has the same vocoder as NXDN.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk
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