Hmmm, and I always thought that the libs were the creators of the class warfare.
While it's true that the famous KKK members were indeed republiccans (insert George walASS here)
We are not talking about todays right wingers. I am not sure when it happened, some time after Kennedy I believe, that the right and the left had a secret meeting and exchanged party rules and names. While not as direct as being full on sheet wearing members of a hate group, the continued robbing from semi rich to hand out to the poor is a clearly democrat pushed mandate. While I can't speak for every right wing conservative wing nut, I will say that my belief system is based on the fact that I was put here by God the father with a right of freedom, and an expectation to take care of myself and assist my fellow man to do the same. Assisting my fellow man has nothing to do with continuing to support his lazy ass on a monthly basis. To do so is NOT doing right by my fellow man, but the government sure thinks I need to anyway.