I was looking at the Ocean County Trunked system and I was curious which channel the Police for Bay Head, Island Hieghts (512?), and Mantoloking are dispatched and talk on?
What about Lavallette Fire?
I have a house in Seaside and that's why I'm asking... so any other info about the County system would be appreciated. I've always listen to the little towns like Seaside Park/Hieghts and Berkley... and I want to see what I'm missing on the County System.
What channel do the Monoc Units talk on that cover the Seaside/Island Beach SP area?
What about Lavallette Fire?
I have a house in Seaside and that's why I'm asking... so any other info about the County system would be appreciated. I've always listen to the little towns like Seaside Park/Hieghts and Berkley... and I want to see what I'm missing on the County System.
What channel do the Monoc Units talk on that cover the Seaside/Island Beach SP area?