I'm not sure if this is really worthy of a new thread, but has anyone noticed that the repeater talkaround channels for OKC Police are being heard and repeated by the new EDACS system? In case anyone is not familiar with their talkaround channels, each division has one channel for the repeater and an extra that doesn't go through the repeater but the other mobiles can hear it. I would have thought that the techs would have set up the EDACS to simulcast just the repeater input, but it seems that they have actually set it up to pick up the repeater output frequency instead, which due to it's good reception, picks up most of the car-to-car talkaround conversations, too. The funny part about this is that none of the officers seem to realize that what they're saying on talkaround is easily heard all over the city now via the EDACS system. They're used to being so low-power that they can goof off and talk about people. They still do. I heard them talking tonight about their calls and they had no idea anyone could hear them but the other officers. You can tell that their on talkaround if they say the channel number, like, "Baker 21 to Baker 22 on 3," because that lets Baker 22 know to respond on the talkaround channel (3) instead of the repeater (4). Just thought I'd pass this on...