For a long time now, I've been hearing an oil company in Somersworth. 151.595--pl--203.5... I assume it is Somersworth, I've heard a few streets mentioned, as well as Jenco in Rollinsford.. I believe the office is on Buffensville rd, 1/4 mile from the 4 way intersection heading to Dover on the left. ( They don't talk much ), and now they are sharing the --freq-- with a nexden signal. I-O-W, someone not far away has the same freq, but nexden... I heard this Oil company on my 2nd scanner ever--the pro 94 a while back... The office always gives me 5 bars. 5 miles as the crow flies.. Has anyone else heard it? I think it is Phipps, but can't be sure til I see it in person/hear it too...