04-021, from what I can tell, no longer dispatches unless they've hired R2D2 as a dispatcher. I'm beginning to wonder if they've encrypted that too. Before, only the dispatch was available to scan on their EDACS.
It sounds like you need to familiarize yourself on how a DIGITAL trunked system operates. The cliff notes version is like this: digitized voice is not an encrypted voice transmission. However, digitized voice can be encrypted.
In order to listen to digitized voice transmissions, such as P25, you will need to buy a P25 compliant scanner. OKC runs a digital EDACS system which no scanner can on the market today can turn the digital voice back into analog.
I'm very familiar with EDACS and EDACS ProVoice and I understand that EDACS can be monitored and EDACS ProVoice is encrypted. I’ve listened to OKC’s dispatch only since they went ProVoice back in 06 using a BC796D. OKC's ProVoice setup was unique in the fact that all talk groups for the fire department were locked out on the ProVoice with the exception of the Dispatch. Since last Thursday, the dispatch has been a series of beeps almost like an alerting tone. I imagine they have now locked that down too.
OKC's ProVoice setup was unique in the fact that all talk groups for the fire department were locked out on the ProVoice with the exception of the Dispatch. Since last Thursday, the dispatch has been a series of beeps almost like an alerting tone.
I'm not sure that ProVoice is encrypted in any way. It's surely not able to be decoded by any current consumer receiver, but that's not the same thing. P25 was the same way until Uniden licensed the technology.
As for the alert tone - why is that still analog? Makes no sense to me.
OKC's system certainly is odd. Why would you bother with digital if half your talkgroups are analog?
Digital "increases" range, be it such a small bit. It, better described, allows for better clarity in lower signal situations which is important in public safety scenarios. This is the reason that there is digital modulation on the public safety stuff. Even though it doesn't seem to help you scan very much.