CommShrek said:N35.56
mam1081 said:This is what is plotted. Bixby is at about 35.95N, 95.87W.
mam1081 said:This is what is plotted. Bixby is at about 35.95N, 95.87W.
The location is basically up to who replies. I'll add your coordinate to calculate the location, since you want to come. The more people that reply from Tulsa, the closer to Tulsa I propose the meeting will be (and same for OKC and Elk City!!).
Jay, I didn't see your coordinates.
So far, the averaged position of the people that are interested is near Stroud, OK (it's at 35.77864°N, 96.7755°W if you want to plot it out right now). This includes me, freqscout, Hardy, d stew, and tiawah466. If you want to be included in this figuring for this meeting, let me know. I guess I could set a deadline for the end of the month (11:59:59 PM on 8/31/06). Maybe we can plan the meeting for September or October. Any weekends out? I wouldn't think having it over Labor Day weekend would give us enough time to plan. That gives us Sept 9/10, 16/17, 23/24, 30/Oct1, 7/8, 14/15, 21/22, 28/29. I'm out if we plan on the Sept 16/17 or 23/24 so far. I'll remove my coordinates from the average if everyone picks a day that I can't be there (and would like to do that with anyone else that won't be there to be fair to everyone else).
okccsi said:I could have sworn I already checked in an gave my location. Did I miss something?
CommShrek said:Ah ha. There's the problem. You have your GPS (or mapping software) set to Degrees instead of Degrees, Minutes, Seconds.
mam1081 said:....Also, you might want to post your approximate lat/long here (dd.dd format - only 2 digits in the decimal please). ...
1 vote for 35.51°N, 97.60°W